Experts say that fit does not always mean healthy. Stress, ignoring warning signs of heart problem in under-50s – Times of India

Actor Siddharth Shukla’s sudden death at the age of 40, reportedly due to a sudden cardiac arrest, came as a shock to many. According to sources close to Sidharth’s family, the actor complained of chest pain at around 3 am on Thursday last week, but he went back to sleep. However, Siddhartha did not wake up in the morning. He was declared brought dead by the doctors of Cooper Hospital in Mumbai at around 10.15 am on Thursday. The actor’s death drew attention to the rising number of heart disease cases in their 30s and 40s, regardless of whether they were seen to be fit. In July, filmmaker and Mandira Bedi’s husband Raj Kaushal died of cardiac arrest at the age of 49, and in April actor Amit Mistry died of a heart attack at the age of 47. Doctors say that “case group of heart attack at young age is increasing alarmingly”. Brajesh Kunwar, Head-Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, Mumbai says “In my clinical practice, 10 Two of the patients are in the 30-40 age group.” Dr. Tilak Suvarna, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute says, “Even among young adults, it is the traditional heart disease risk factor that accounts for the majority of heart attacks. . These traditional risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, family history, high cholesterol and smoking. Medical experts share why most cases of heart disease in young patients turn fatal and what are the warning signs to be aware of.

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‘Get a heart check-up every six months after recovering from Kovid’

Even though there were no reports of Sidharth ever contracting COVID, the issue of unexpected collapse has often surfaced among people who have recovered from coronavirus. We ask experts for post COVID precautions to keep your heart safe. Dr TS Kler, Chairman, Fortis Heart and Vascular Institute, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram says, “Anyone who has recovered from COVID should get their heart checked every six months. This is because COVID can cause underlying cardiac injury such as myocardial inflammation. Recovered COVID patients need to ensure that they start exercising slowly and steadily and only after taking the lead from their treating physician. They need to make sure they go to their doctor immediately if they experience shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain or dizziness.”

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— Tips from Mohit Suri and Siddharth Singh, athletes and fitness experts

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Why cardiac arrest can be fatal in people in their 30s and 40s

Emphasizing the need for regular medical checkups and “not to be taken lightly”, Dr TS Clare, President, Fortis Heart and Vascular Institute, fMRI, Gurugram, says, “Young people often ignore Have or don’t report. Restlessness, or mistaking it for gas, that causes a heart attack – when it does – is widespread and immediately fatal. Young people don’t expect their Their arteries will get blocked due to age. Hence, they do not go for annual check-ups. If someone has a family history of heart disease and is above 25 years of age, he/she should go for regular check-ups. For, if anyone has a brother who has passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 35, it is imperative that they start going for regular check-up after the age of 25. As we Growing up, the body changes and reacts differently, and we need to make sure that we know what’s going on inside.” Dr. Tilak Suvarna says, “J Early detection and treatment of risk factors plays a big role in preventing heart attacks. Therefore, it is important to conduct a complete health check-up after the age of 30 to detect such risk factors and then take medicines to control and reduce the risk. Increased stress is another factor, especially during this pandemic, that can lead to a heart attack. Stress is difficult to measure, and therefore it is important to manage it through lifestyle changes such as yoga, meditation and physical exercise.”

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Lifestyle changes to reduce heart attack risk

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‘Looking fit doesn’t mean you are healthy’

After learning about Siddhartha’s sudden death, many wondered how this could happen to a physically fit person like him. But medical experts say that looking fit does not mean that you are healthy. “I think, the most important cause of heart attacks in the younger population, even among those who are fitness freaks and are very particular about their diet, is stress (at work or in a personal relationship). Factors like smoking add to this,” says Dr. Brajesh Kunwar. Dr. Haresh G. Mehta, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, SL Raheja Hospital, says, “Today, many youth have unhealthy lifestyles, which include excessive stress, lack of sleep. , alcohol consumption, smoking, unsafe supplements, slimming pills and over-exercise. These habits are injurious to health and cause many health complications that can lead to a sudden heart attack.” He reiterates that looking fit or going to the gym does not mean that you are healthy or leading a healthy lifestyle. “Talk to your doctor for proper guidance on diet, supplements, and exercise,” he says. Dr Mukesh Goel, Senior Consultant, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi says, “You can gain fitness by going to the gym, but you cannot get fit. Fitness and health are completely different and should not be confused with each other. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to the gym. People should keep in mind that every person after 25 should schedule an annual health check-up. They should focus on a heart-healthy diet that is a balance of carbs, fat and protein. Include fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. Avoid smoking and stress, which are a leading cause of heart failure, and limit your alcohol intake.”


Beware of these warning signs

While experts say that one may not always have warning signs, “one thing to note is if you are breathing and have trouble with your chest, arms, or jaw while exercising or doing physical exercise.” If steps can be taken during the time when the warning signs are visible, the mortality rate will come down,” says Dr. TS Clare. Dr. Balbir Singh, Chairman, Cardiology, Pan Max Hospital says, “Any discomfort or heaviness in the chest can be a warning.” says Dr. Vivek Mahajan, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Fortis Hospital, “Even patients with minor blockages can suffer a massive heart attack. Usually caused by a rupture or rupture of a blockage by a process known as vascular inflammation.To avoid this, smokers, those with high cholesterol, high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and a family history of early heart diseases High-risk patients should undergo regular physical examinations and make changes in their lifestyle. You should make a fuss. Consideration should be given to learning CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). You hardly have three-four minutes to revive a person after a heart attack has fallen, and CPR is crucial at that point. So, for the greater good, there should be more social awareness about CPR.”

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— Niharika Lal and Debarati S Sen. with inputs


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