Experts warn people against swallowing dried protein powder, but trends continue

Thousands of viewers are watching the video made on this trend.

Many videos of this trend have been shared on social media and despite warnings, the youth keep following it.

Fitness has become an important part of everyone’s life. Especially young people like to take care of their health by going to the gym. However, along with exercise, they also start taking supplements. And not all supplements are healthy. Protein powder is also one of them. And now, a trend associated with this protein powder is becoming quite common on social media these days. As a trend, people are swallowing dried protein powder.

Thousands of viewers are watching the video made on this trend. Doctors have clearly warned that the practice of swallowing dry protein is dangerous and can lead to epilepsy and heart attack. Doctors have advised parents to keep a watch on their children and also asked them to stop jumping on the bandwagon. It takes a lot of effort to mix protein powder with water. So now young people are directly drying it and putting it in their mouth and drinking water to swallow it. This video of dry scooping is attracting millions of people. People are now filling their mouths with dry protein powder and consuming it with the help of water, energy drink or alcohol.

According to health experts, it can be extremely dangerous and can lead to heart attack or epileptic seizures. Nelson Chow of Princeton University of America has also researched this. He said the practice is dangerous as the powder can get stuck in a person’s throat and even kill him. It can also get stuck in a person’s stomach and damage his intestine. Many videos of this trend have been shared on social media. Despite the warnings, the youth are following it.

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