Explained: Different types of inverter compressor technologies available in refrigerators – Times of India

are like the heart of compressors refrigerator Since this main component is responsible for circulating the refrigerant inside the appliance, just like the heart is responsible for circulating blood throughout the human body. Adding an inverter to a compressor would be like adding a ‘brain’ to this ‘heart’. In addition, inverter technology has modernized home appliances such as ACs and refrigerators by reducing energy consumption and turning them into even more silent appliances. However, these inverters are marketed differently by different brands and to check the validity of each technology, we will look at the different types of inverter technologies available for refrigerators here. This will help the users to differentiate between the different technologies offered by different competitors. Let us start with understanding the role of compressors in refrigerators.
What role do compressors play in refrigeration?
The primary function of a compressor is to compress the refrigerant inside the refrigerant where the refrigerant gas turns into a hot liquid when compressed. The refrigerant is then cooled as it passes through a cooling condenser and eventually circulates inside the refrigerator. The refrigerant takes the heat from the refrigerator as it expands and expands to become a gas that eventually reaches the compressor which squeezes it back into the hot liquid again and the cycle continues.
This means that the compressor acts like a pump designed for steam instead of water. It compresses the hot refrigerant gas into a hot liquid and then pushes it into coils, releasing heat into the atmosphere.
What is a Standard Compressor?
Previously, most fridges came with a standard compressor that activated when the refrigerator temperature exceeded a certain threshold. However, these compressors deactivate themselves as the temperature drops below the threshold and wait for the next refrigeration cycle. Standard compressors are single-speed compressors that can be either ‘on’ or ‘off’ and operate at maximum power when activated. It cannot change speed based on increasing temperature and the continuous switching of states leads to equipment wear and tear, producing a perceptible noise each time states are switched.
What is an inverter compressor?
As mentioned earlier, adding an inverter to the compressor makes the refrigerator smart. Inverters are added to refrigerator compressors using brushless direct current or BLDC motors. These motors allow the compressor to run with varying levels of intensity or speed depending on temperature and other environmental conditions. So inverter compressors are variable-speed compressors that use BLDC motors to operate at variable speeds.
Different types of inverter compressors marketed by different brands
digital inverter – A variable-speed compressor or inverter compressor is marketed as a digital inverter when it is controlled by a microprocessor using algorithms (software). This technology is used by Samsung where the digital inverter compressor is “on” most of the time, unlike the standard compressor. However, the digital inverter compressor operates at different speeds depending on the condition and requirement. The digital inverter technology Samsung uses for its refrigerators allows for seven adjustable speeds.
Nutrifresh Inverter NutriFresh Inverter is also a digital inverter marketed by Godrej. Apart from being controlled by microprocessors, this digital inverter has special sensors that provide optimized cooling depending on the type of food inside the refrigerator to keep them fresh for longer.
IntelliSense Inverter – This technology is mostly used in Whirlpool inverter refrigerators, which are assisted by three sensors for optimum control. For example, one sensor brings information about the internal temperature, another estimates the amount of food load inside the refrigerator and the last one senses its usage patterns to provide precise speed control for the compressor.
plasma inverter – In addition to IntelliSense inverter technology, Whirlpool introduced another improved technology in 2019. In addition to smart sensor-based controls, plasma inverter technology includes an additional layer of plasma coating on its compressor rod that helps improve the longevity of the appliance. The company claims that a Plasma IntelliSense inverter is designed to last 5 years longer than a simple digital inverter.
smart inverter LG uses this technology in single-door refrigerators and markets it as Smart Inverter Technology. Like digital inverters, smart inverters also use microprocessors for optimal cooling control.
Inverter Linear Compressor – LG further developed the concept of inverter compressor which it uses in its premium fridges. The inverter linear compressor uses a linear arrangement of an electromagnet to compress the refrigerant. The electromagnet is attracted to the plate on which the piston is mounted. A digital inverter compressor includes 4 friction points whereas a linear inverter compressor uses an electromagnet setup and reduces it to a single point. It provides high energy efficiency and minimizes wastage of energy. In addition to superior energy savings, linear inverter compressors keep food fresh for longer periods of time amid a wide range of environmental conditions.