Explained | How have recent weather events affected the wheat crop?

the story So Far: There was an abnormal rise in mercury in February this year, followed by untimely widespread rains accompanied by strong winds and hailstorm during the month of March in parts of major grain producing states of the country – Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan, Bihar and Gujarat – have worried wheat farmers as they are anticipating decline in yield (productivity), production (production) and quality.

What will be the effect of rain on wheat crop?

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), under the influence of persistent Western Disturbance, widespread rain accompanied by squall wind speed reaching 40-50 kmph occurred in many parts of major wheat producing states of the country during March. If the crop is near the stage of ripening and harvesting, especially if there are instances of water-logging in the fields, a period of rain accompanied by winds is not considered a good sign for the health of the crop. Unfortunately, apart from water logging, there have been instances of crop failure in the fields, which can be detrimental to the wheat crop ready to be harvested. Wheat, a major rabi (winter) crop, is sown from late October to December; It approaches the ripening stage in the month of mid-March, and harvesting of early sown varieties usually starts only by the end of March. IMD data shows that between March 1 and April 9, several states received heavy rainfall (40% more than normal).

How much production will be affected?

In its latest report, agri-commodity research firm Agriwatch has said that due to the recent unseasonal rains, the country’s wheat production is likely to be 102.9 MT in the agricultural year 2022-23, lower than the central government’s estimate of 112 MT. Is. Mount While the Center is optimistic that wheat production will remain close to 112 MT this season due to increased wheat acreage and better yield, the recent adverse weather conditions have resulted in a marginal drop in production. According to the government, the average area under wheat this year (2022-23) has been increased by 14,86,240 hectares as compared to the previous five years (2017-2021), which was 30,382,010 hectares.

What do agricultural experts say

A large section of farmers say that the inclement weather has adversely damaged the standing wheat crop.

Indu Sharma, former director of the Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Karnal, Haryana, says, “Not only the unseasonal rains in March, but also the unusually high temperature in February this year have been detrimental. Wheat. Now wherever the crop has been destroyed after rain and wind, it will be difficult to recover it, ultimately resulting in loss of crop yield. ,

Besides, if the country’s wheat production falls below the government’s estimate, it could lead to a rise in the prices of wheat and wheat-based products in the domestic market, says Rajesh Pahadia Jain, a New Delhi-based trader and wheat exporter. He adds that any decline in wheat production could also pose a potential food security issue.

Sudhir Panwar, an expert in the agriculture sector and former member of the Uttar Pradesh Planning Commission, says that if the government claims that wheat production is not going to be seriously affected due to bad weather, it means that the wheat procurement policy will remain the same . of last year. “In such a scenario, private players would buy wheat at minimum support price (MSP) or with some incentive. The price of wheat for the consumer in the domestic market is unlikely to be affected as the first priority of the government would be to replenish its food grain stock. If the production is low, the chances of market intervention by the government are also very bleak as its priority will be to maintain the buffer stock.