Explainer: where are Donetsk and Luhansk and what does Putin want there? – times of India

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin Tensions on Ukraine escalated by announcing the recognition of a pair of self-declared separatist republics in eastern Ukraine. He also said that he would send a “peacekeeping force” to Donetsk and Luhansk The People’s Republic is fueling US and European concern that Moscow is moving to take control of land internationally recognized as part of Ukraine.
Russia has repeatedly denied that it is planning any attacks, and Putin has said that his country was not considering annexing the region. Here’s a closer look at those areas and why they’re the focus of attention now:
What are Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republic?
They were once the industrial strongholds of Ukraine, part of the largely Russian-speaking provinces in the country’s southeast. Russia-backed separatists seized control of areas along the two countries’ border after overthrowing Ukraine’s pro-Kremlin president, a move that coincided with Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. About 14,000 people have died in the fighting and over 1.4 million have been left internally. According to government figures, displaced within Ukraine.
Flash point
The insurgents who own about a third of the provinces are called the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR). No nation recognized them until Russia did. Russia has been providing them financial and military aid since their formation, and has provided Russian passports to hundreds of thousands of people there.
Why are they in focus now?
Russia wants Donetsk and Luhansk to gain autonomy that gives them an effective veto over major changes in Ukraine’s orientation – namely Western integration supported by a large majority of the country’s 41 million population. It would be political suicide for the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, which is struggling to promote economic development and curb corruption. He told diplomats that Ukraine needed a “very clear view” of its NATO membership, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the coalition continues to support Ukraine’s efforts to become a member.
According to international monitors, the ceasefire in the region has always been unstable, with thousands of violations each year. With thousands of Russian soldiers crowding along Ukraine’s borders, in a child-triggered situation, it is the most likely source of a spark for a wider conflict. Russia has offered citizenship to residents of separatist areas, and threats to their lives can be used as a justification for further action.
Why is the West interested?
If US warnings of aggression come to fruition, it could mark the worst European security crisis since World War II, easing tensions created by Putin’s annexation of Crimea and earlier fighting in eastern Ukraine. The US, EU and UK are finalizing a package of sanctions if Russia does attack. Possible measures include targeting its billionaires, additional sanctions on sovereign debt, disrupting lenders’ ability to use dollars, or blocking the new Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany.
The West has also invested heavily in Ukraine’s success financially. The International Monetary Fund has offered aid to the nation, billions of dollars have flown in from the World Bank and the European Union, and the US has provided loan guarantees and military aid.
