Explainer: why is it so hard to give up coal

For the UN climate talks in Glasgow, host Britain announced that one of its goals of the conference was to supply coal to history.

It’s easier said than done. Even saying this – in writing – has become quite the challenge.

Government negotiators in Glasgow are writing and rewriting a paragraph that suggests the world needs to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies as well as coal, but an end date has not been set.

Here’s a look at coal’s role in climate change and the energy system, and why it’s so hard to move away from:

Why focus on coal?

Of the three fossil fuels – coal, oil and natural gas – coal is the biggest climate villain. It is responsible for about 20 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.

It’s also a fuel that’s relatively easy to replace: Renewable alternatives to coal-fired electricity have been available for decades.

The burning of coal also has other environmental impacts, including contributing to air pollution, smog, acid rain and respiratory diseases.

Who is burning the most coal?

China, the world’s most populous country and a manufacturing sector, is the world’s largest coal consumer, followed by India and the United States.

According to the International Energy Agency, China produced 4,876 TWh of electricity from coal in 2019, roughly the rest of the world combined.

But adjusted for population size, the situation is different: Australia has the highest per capita coal emissions among the group of the 20 largest economies, followed by South Korea, South Africa, the United States and China, according to an analysis by Amber. A climate and energy think tank.

Why are countries still burning coal?

The short answer is coal is cheap and plentiful. But as renewables become more competitive in terms of price, getting rid of coal is not that easy. Electricity needs are increasing as the world’s population and prosperity increase, and renewable energy is not enough to meet that increase in demand.

The IEA projects that India will need to add an EU-sized electricity system to meet the expected growth in electricity demand over the next 20 years.

The role of coal in the power sector has remained relatively stable over the past five decades. IEA figures show that coal accounted for 38 percent of global electricity generation in 1973; In 2019 it was 37 per cent.

What’s next for coal?

The future of coal in Glasgow looks bleak in the long run, regardless of what language governments agree on in Glasgow.

It’s not just driven by climate concerns: In the U.S., natural gas has been replacing coal for years for economic reasons, although a surge in natural gas prices has led to a coal boom this year.

Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, many countries have set net zero emissions targets, which often require non-stop coal to be phased out, meaning coal-fired plants not equipped with expensive emissions-capturing technology. Huh. Austria, Belgium and Sweden have already closed their previous coal plants.

Britain plans to eliminate coal power by 2024.

According to the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air, the announcements made before and during the Glasgow conference meant that around 370 more coal plants around the world were given a close date. The US has not yet made any such pledge.

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