Eye health: Jamun can help in improving vision – 3 ways to include Jamun in your diet

Loss of eyesight is a common problem these days. We blame the increasing use of mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices for this. We recognize that these factors play a major role in influencing eye health, but we also cannot ignore the role played by our dietary regime. Malnutrition can also cause many problems related to the eyes. Like our body, our eyes also need nutrients to function properly. This is why experts recommend including foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and more in our daily diet. One such popular food option is Jamun. Considered a superfood, berries are packed with almost every essential nutrient that helps benefit overall health.

Read also: 7 Indian Wonder Berries And Their Health Benefits You Won’t Want To Miss

Health Benefits of Jamun: How Jamun Benefits Eye-Health:

Blackberry Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc. – are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which are known to soothe our eyes and help prevent dryness, vision impairment, etc. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, blueberries contain a type of flavonoid known as anthocyanins. This nutrient helps in improving our vision. He is not everything. The study also said that antioxidants can also prevent damage to our eyes caused by pollution and dust.

Adding to this, a recent study from the University of California – Davis found that dried goji berries may offer protection against age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of it. vision loss in seniors. These findings were published in the journal ‘Nutrients’.

For the study, researchers gave 13 participants (ages 45 to 65) 28 grams of goji berries five times a week for 90 days. It was found that the density of protective pigment (of the eyes) increased in these people. In contrast, 14 other participants consumed a commercial supplement for eye health The same period did not show an increase in the protective pigment.

“Our study found that even in normal healthy eyes, these optical pigments can be enhanced with a small daily serving of goji berries,” said lead author Jiang Li, a doctoral candidate in the Nutrition Biology Program.

Keeping the above factors in mind, we bring you some fun and interesting ideas to include Jamun in your daily diet. to keep track.

Read also: Celeb nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar reveals 5 foods to boost eye health


Here are 3 fun ways to add berries to your daily diet:

1. In Smoothies:

A handful of fresh berries add color, texture, and a sweet-tart flavor to your morning smoothie. Apart from this, it also makes the drink healthy.

2. In Salads:

You can always garnish your salad with some dried berries. This will add some pungency to the food.

3. Trail Mix:

Trail-mix is ​​the perfect snack to curb our mid-meal hunger pangs. You can make your own customized trail mix at home and add the berries of your choice.

Include Jamun in your daily diet and enjoy the benefits to the fullest. But always remember, moderation is the key.
