F*** the War: Russians chant in concert. watch

A video, which has now gone viral, shows a crowd chanting ‘f*** the war’ at a concert in St Petersburg, protesting the Russian government’s attack on Ukraine. east, Several people were arrested for protesting Moscow’s decision to invade Ukraine.,

In addition to street protests, thousands of people supported open letters and signed petitions condemning the invasion. Celebrities and famous TV personalities also raised their voice against it. An online petition launched hours after Putin announced the attack has gathered more than 930,000 signatures in four days, becoming one of the most widely supported petitions in Russia in recent years.

A few days after the invasion, in St Petersburg, where several hundred gathered in the city centre, police in full riot gear, one after the other, were seen holding protesters and dragging some into police vans, even though the demonstration was peaceful. Footage from Moscow showed police dragging several female protesters and throwing them to the ground.

Ordinary Russians feared that the harsh sanctions imposed by the West would deal a serious blow to the country’s economy.

Reading: After 3 months of war, life in Russia has changed completely

As the conflict marked its third month on Tuesday, however, Moscow looks like a rapidly escalating war, with few successes on the battlefield and few in sight.

There was no quick victory for the mighty forces of Russian President Vladimir Putin, no route that would allow the Kremlin to control much of Ukraine and establish a puppet government.

Instead, Russian troops were trapped on the outskirts of Kyiv and other major cities amid tight security from Ukraine. Convoys of Russian armor seemed to have stopped on long stretches of highway. Troop supplies and gasoline ran out, becoming easy targets from land and air.