Facebook News Feed Is Now Just ‘Feed’ But Nothing Has Changed

Meta-owned social media platform Facebook is rebranding its News Feed, which is the primary feed users see when they log into Facebook. The News Feed, which will now just be called “Feed”, is Facebook’s primary page where users see what their friends and the Pages they follow have shared. The News Feed is being renamed for the first time since the feature was launched. About 15 years ago. Now, while this doesn’t change anything in terms of how we use Facebook, it now better reflects the diverse content that people share on their feed.

according to tweet FacebookThere has been no change in the overall experience or user interface. In addition, an email to The Verge from company spokesman Dami Ofeso was quoted as saying that the change “does not affect the app experience more broadly.” Now, what does this new name mean for Facebook and its original meta? As per research cited in a report by The Verge, it has been observed that misinformation gets significantly higher engagement on the platform as compared to fact-based reports on Facebook.

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For this, meta has said it is working on reducing the amount of political content that appears on people’s homepages. Research cited in The Verge report suggested that the News Feed’s algorithm could also lead politicians to take more extreme positions.

Also, the term “news feed” makes people expect information from your friends and relatives about politics and current events, rather than posts about their lives. The name change can also help with potential confusion within the Facebook app. When the News Feed was introduced, Facebook didn’t have a News tab that users could mix up. The name “News Feed” also made people think that it was more of a place for news than a social media platform, Meta said in a memo.

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