Falling off the wagon Kim? The chubby looking dictator seems to have piled back on the pound – Henry Club

Kim Jong Un In state media videos, the ‘desh ki khaate’ sees his usual chubby self smoking a cigarette and just months after getting slim.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released a video of the usually chunky dictator attending the closing ceremony of a major housing project in Pyongyang that was a crowd-pleaser.

And when they could do nothing to hide the return of his bulging belly, they decided to show him a clip of him smoking while chatting with his generals.

The Monk Empire, which views Mr. Kim as an innocent deity, just 18 months ago passed a tough new law that forbids smoking in public places, so the images would technically show their beloved leader breaking the law. Shows happened.

Government officials said last year that North Korea was facing serious food shortages over a public health issue surrounding smoking, prompting Kim to eat less “for the country”.

Eyebrows were raised in photos and videos of the usually chubby autocrat-looking man last December, with speculation about his health after disappearing from the public eye for months.

Mr Kim disappeared from public view between January and May last year. He returned 40 lbs lighter looking ‘weak’, according to his own state television, fueling speculation that the weight gain was intentional or due to illness.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is seen holding his normal fat weight and a cigarette during the opening ceremony of a new apartment block

The country just 18 months ago passed a tough new law banning smoking in public places, a law that beloved politicians consistently break during all publicized events

After losing 40 pounds last year, the 5-foot 7-inch Tyrant is back close to his normal 300-pound weight

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released a video of the usually chunky dictator attending the closing ceremony of a major housing project in Pyongyang, for crowds to watch.

Hundreds of adherent North Koreans attended the inauguration to see the man they see as a living deity.

But these new images of Mr. Kim will dispel theories that Strongman had a gastric bypass procedure.

Soon after coming to power following the death of his father, Mr. Kim’s weight increased to 300 pounds, which was believed to be due to his love of Swiss cheese, which he had raised in school in Switzerland.

5.7′ is morbidly obese, which raises concerns about associated diseases such as heart disease, secondary diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Kim, pictured above, looks thinner than usual as she attends the fourth plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea in December 2021

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits a factory making ‘major weapons systems’, state media KCNA says in January 2022

On top of that, his father, Kim Jong Il, and his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, both died of heart attacks. The dictator’s health is always a closely guarded state secret.

The poor, nuclear-armed country has been hit by severe floods in recent years that have left families without homes and is currently grappling with a food crisis as the nation struggles to feed itself amid the COVID-19 pandemic. doing. Work.

A North Korean resident, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: ‘Telling us to suffer by 2025 is tantamount to asking us to die of hunger’.

A second source claimed that the North Korean government was trying to address food shortages as a result of its effective COVID-19 strategy, which they say has worked well.

The government has blamed external factors for their food shortage, citing restrictions imposed on them, natural calamities and the global coronavirus pandemic.

State media and government officials have said that Kim Jong Un’s apparent weight loss is a symptom of his desire to “eat less to help the country” amid a food shortage, and discussed it with citizens in August. called upon to Banned from labeling gossip as ‘reactive work’. ,

Analysts say the comments suggest officials were looking to use Kim’s change in weight to bolster loyalty to the regime in desperate times.