“Family Everything To Me”: Rishi Sunak Launches Bid For UK PM

Rishi Sunak may become the first Indian-origin person to become a British PM.

New Delhi:

Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak launched his bid to become Britain’s next prime minister following the resignation of Boris Johnson yesterday.

“Someone has to seize the moment and make the right decisions. That’s why I stand to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your prime minister,” Sunak said in a campaign video released on Twitter.

Rishi Sunak’s grandparents came from Punjab. He has two daughters from Akshata Murthy, daughter of Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy. They met when they were students in California.

In the video, Rishi Sunak shares the story of his grandmother, who boarded a plane to England as a young woman “equipped with the hope of a better life”.

Rishi Sunak said in the video, “She managed to find a job. But it took almost a year for her husband and kids to save enough money to follow her.”

He further says that family is everything to him.

Sunak’s resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer had triggered an avalanche of resignations in the Boris Johnson cabinet, forcing him to step down.

If Rishi Sunak wins the top seat, he will be the first Indian-origin person to become a British PM.