Farmers will formally call off the protests today, the Center agreed to the demands

Farmers and opposition parties have been opposing the Centre’s agriculture laws since November last year

New Delhi:

Farmers, who have been protesting agricultural laws for the past 15 months and pushing for a legal guarantee for MSP, are on the verge of curtailing their agitation after accepting the government’s second draft proposal, which includes assurances on MSP and police Including the withdrawal of cases. ,

“We have accepted the revised draft given by the Center regarding the farmers’ agitation against the three agricultural laws. We will meet again tomorrow as soon as we get the formal letter from the Centre. The protest is still on,” the farmer leader said. Gurnam Singh Charuni said on Wednesday.

Thursday’s meeting will take place at 12 noon, when a final decision will be taken on easing the intensity of the protest – which could be attended by thousands of farmers, who are camping around Delhi and on their way back home.

The stand-down comes after a surprising series of U-turns by the government – from repeal of agricultural laws to withdrawing police cases against farmers and, crucially, their long-standing desire to make the MSP, or minimum, To offer a written guarantee to consider the demand. Support price, official.

Earlier on Wednesday, a panel of five senior farmer leaders met in Delhi to discuss a new proposal tabled by the government, which included assurances that police cases against thousands of farmers – related to agitation for agricultural laws and stubble burning In – will be suspended immediately.

The government sent a proposal on Tuesday evening that included assurances of setting up a committee to look into the MSP demand, but that required farmers to hold off their protest before the police could withdraw the cases – something the farmers indicated. They were reluctant to do so.

On the question of constitution of the MSP committee, farmers have insisted that only members of the United Kisan Morcha (besides officials from the Centre, concerned states and agricultural experts) can be elected.

This is to counter the inclusion of farmers who supported agricultural laws.

And on the question of the controversial Electricity Amendment Bill, the farmers have promised the government that it will be introduced only after discussion with them.

Farmers also underlined the need for financial compensation on the lines offered by the Congress government in Punjab (reportedly, for the families of over 700 growers killed in the protests); The state has given Rs 5 lakh and a job to a family member.

Both Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have agreed in principle to this demand.

Last week, farmers said that Home Minister Amit Shah discussed outstanding issues with them (through a phone call); It was after their protest that the agricultural laws were forced to withdraw.

All this represents a major climb on the part of the government, which has fiercely defended agricultural laws – even to the extent of calling the protesting farmers “terrorists” and “Khalistanis”.

The repeal of agricultural laws is seen by some as a politically expedient decision for the BJP, which is facing an image problem in Uttar Pradesh and cannot ignore farmers’ votes there and in Punjab and Uttarakhand. . Voting is also taking place in the latter two states next year.

When Prime Minister Modi offered an “apology” to farmers last month and said agricultural laws would be scrapped, farmers were delighted, but expressed his determination to continue protesting until the MSP issue is resolved to their satisfaction. Outlined the resolution.
