Faster Healing, Less Pain: IIT Guwahati Researchers Create AI Tool to Predict How Fractures Heal

New Delhi: A team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to predict how a person’s thigh bone fracture will heal after surgery.

Developed by Assistant Professor Souptic Chanda and his team at IIT Guwahati, the model can be used to help reduce healing time and pain, in addition to reducing the economic burden for patients who are undergoing treatment for thigh fractures. pass through.

The model evaluates whether a fracture determination will work for a particular patient by predicting treatment outcomes based on individual physiology and fracture type.

when Research Paper The description of the model was published in the journal one more In July, IIT Guwahati issued a statement on Thursday.

According to the team, the incidence of thigh bone and hip fractures has increased significantly due to the increasing aging population in the world. An estimated 2 lakh hip fractures occur every year in India alone, most of which require hospitalization and trauma care.

Traditionally, the treatment of hip fractures has involved bone plates and rods to bridge the fracture site and promote bone healing. Fracture treatment methods are chosen spontaneously by surgeons based on their experience, and there is no way to predict the efficacy and success of the chosen treatment method.

“AI has tremendous potential when it comes to understanding and predicting complex biological phenomena and, therefore, can play a large role in health science applications,” Chanda said in a statement.

The researchers plan to develop a software/app-based algorithm that can be used in hospitals and other healthcare institutions as part of their protocols for fracture treatment.

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Can be adapted for veterinary fractures

The research team used a combination of mathematical analysis and an AI tool, Fuzzy Logic, to understand the healing process of fractures following various healing methods.

The team also examined the effect of different screw fixation mechanisms to compare the fracture healing potential of each procedure. The team said the treatment predictions made by the model agree well with experimental observations, pointing to its reliability.

In addition to various biological and patient-specific parameters, the AI ​​tool is also responsible for various clinical phenomena, such as smoking, diabetes, etc. The model can also be adapted to veterinary fractures, which are similar anatomically and in various aspects. occurs in human patients.

Currently, the team is studying animals with a team from the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Health and Medical Sciences Hospital in Shillong to validate and fine-tune some parameters of the AI ​​tool.

(Edited by Therese Sudeep)

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