Fatty liver is becoming an epidemic in India, 30% people are victims of this disease, the opinion of knowledgeable experts

New Delhi:

Fatty liver disease has become very common in today’s time. According to the National Health Portal, 9 to 32 percent of people in India may have non-alcoholic harmful liver disease. There are some warning signs of this silent disease, which are not visible in the beginning and come to the fore as the problem progresses. Padmashree Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin, director of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, Delhi’s Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, has given detailed information about the damage in a special conversation with AndiTV. Along with this, he told that we can identify this disease in the early stages from the symptoms and can cure it by taking precautions.

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Shiv Sarin, director of the Institute of Liver and Biliary Relations, told NDTV: ‘Today in India about 30% of people out of 100 have severe liver problems. An underactive liver can lead to lining, heart disease, cancer, injury and kidney diseases in the long run. Hyperactive is a process.
If we start taking care of our liver, then it reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and kidney diseases.

He told that today there is a need of two lakh liver transplants in the country, but we are doing only ten thousand liver transplants. Means only one to 2 license liver transplant is being done for his need. Campaign is necessary for organization charity in the country.

Dr. Shiv Sarin said that the importance of emergency care has come to the fore during the corona virus. In such a situation, special provision is necessary in Budget 2023 for emergency care as well as health preparedness, manpower and improvement in health infrastructure. He told that it will be necessary to increase funding for health and research in the budget 2023.

Fatty Liver Symptoms
– In common liver problem, there is pain on the right side above the stomach.
– Chances of loss of appetite and some people also lose weight rapidly.
– The color of the eyes starts turning yellow.
– Light swelling in the legs persists.
Feeling tired and weak all the time.

Fatty Liver Treatment
If any of these symptoms persist in the body for a long time, then see the doctor without delay.
-Pretend the essentials. Also avoid simultaneous as well.
– If you consume too much alcohol, then leave it immediately, otherwise your problem may increase further.
If you are overweight, control it with exercise and diet. Due to this, the problem of liver itself will end.
Get balancing. Avoid eating cold and cold food.

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