Feeling sleep-deprived after welcoming a newborn? Follow these tips to get comfortable

Have you recently given birth to a baby? Or are you expecting to give birth soon? Welcoming a new baby can be overwhelming and gives you new hopes and light in life.

However, managing a child is not an easy task. You have to be alert at all times to watch what they are doing, feed them frequently, and manage their awkward sleeping times. In the process, you may not get enough sleep which can leave you feeling irritable, tired and sleep-deprived. However, if both the partners take equal initiative, then with these simple tips, they can get enough sleep and rest.

  1. turn by turn
    Parenting is a two-person job. Since mothers are required to breastfeed the baby, they are more mindful of the baby, but fathers also need to be equally responsible. Take care of the child in turn. When the mother is feeding the baby, you should rest and when she is free, the father should take care of the baby and let the mother sleep.
  2. nap when baby naps
    Sleeping when baby is sleeping is the key to getting some sound sleep. Do not think of working after the baby is asleep, but try to rest.
  3. try to make a routine
    While there is no way that the baby can sleep or eat as he pleases, you can try to create a routine of feeding, playing and sleeping at a specific time every day. Also keep them in the cot at a certain time. With time, the child will also adapt to the routine.
  4. ask for help
    There is no shame in asking for help from a family member. Whenever you feel tired, call your family and friends and ask them to take care of the baby for a while so that you can rest.
  5. say no to guests
    When you have just given birth, there will be many visitors who would like to meet the baby. However, you should be comfortable enough to say no to them for at least a month. This will not only give you enough time to get used to handling the baby and the house but will also protect the newborn from getting infected before getting vaccinated.

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