Fight underway to release Mountbatten diaries, which UK says could compromise ties between UK, India and Pakistan – Times of India

London: A tribunal is underway in London to determine whether all personal diaries and letters mountbatten They should be issued to the public despite concerns from the UK Cabinet Office that they would be “harmful to international relations between the UK, India and Pakistan” as well as being a breach of it. Queenpersonal data of.
British author Andrew Looney has spent £250,000 (Rs 2.5 crore) over his court battle with the University of Southampton and the Cabinet Office to issue all diaries and letters “in the name of academic freedom”.
“Material related to India and Pakistan is very important because there is a huge debate going on about how fair” mountbatten was at independence and Nehru had a degree of connection with both Mountbatten, and so what he said is very important to historians and the material around the abdication and the royal family may also provide new insights,” Loney cross-examined on Monday. said during
The University of Southampton purchased the Broadland Archives – which contains Mountbatten’s papers – in 2011 from the Mountbatten family trust for £4.5 million. But immediately the university closed some collections, citing instructions from the Cabinet Office.
Following a complaint by Loni, the Information Commissioner’s office ordered the university to disclose all Mountbatten diaries and correspondence in December 2019, but the university and the Cabinet Office appealed against the decision to the First Tier Tribunal (Right to Information). That hearing is currently taking place.
Clara Hammer, representing Looney, said on Monday: “A total of £4.5 million of public money was spent almost exclusively for the country to get the documents that are now included in the amendment. We’re an educated guess though. Let’s take what has been amended, what we find is information that has been modified as prejudicial to international relations between the UK, India and Pakistan, in Mountbatten’s daughter’s own book.” He states in his book Pamela Mountbatten that Jinnah comes to dinner and says that “Jinnah’s attitude Sikh The situation was not good” and “His mother said in her diary that she was already a scoundrel so God help Pakistan.” She also mentions another book, Indian Summer: The Secret History of the End of an Empire. which she says that “Mountbatten and Jinnah were never friends”.
“It is a waste of time for the Cabinet Office to revise information that has been in the books about Mountbatten for 35 years. Some information is completely harmless, such as the conversation between Moutbatten and the Queen at a 70th birthday party when she asks What time should he go to bed and the queen says ‘It’s your birthday – you have to stay longer.'”
Rory Dunlop QC, representing the University of Southampton, reported that 99.8% of Broadlands’ archives had been released to the public and accused Looney of “running an aggressive campaign in the media attacking the university and its staff”.
