File an FIR against Deepawali Satyad

Typed in a group of women’s cell’s Ashwani Zachkar on Thursday morning. Members of the Maharashtra Legislature Party will type with germs on the fan after they have gone on the fly.

Prithimki opposite Nupur Sharma of Yuva

As well as getting spoiled with poor ratings for TV shows aired on the TV channel, Hit Bolle Khiladi is also a member of the Indian party. The police gave this information on Thursday.

Again recorded in the environment spoiling the city environment.

Officials official, it was recorded on the basis of a passport to prisoner passport. The program’s schedule was linked to a discussion on Gyanvapi (news channel’s) on Whats Portal on May 28, with Nupur Sharma also participating. (Patha) had said that she was with her husband.

Others like this did it.

Inside has been checked.

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PM Modi declared Indian democratic state, still saying dubious… : Shivraj Singh
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(news said)