First death sentence related to protests over Mehsa Amini’s death issued

Thousands of people in Iran have been protesting since mid-September against the hijab and other restrictions on women following the death in police custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. On Sunday, the judiciary in Iran issued the first death sentence against a protester linked to riots in Iran. The accused were sentenced to death for “conspiracy to set fire to a government building, to disturb public order, to commit crimes against assembly and national security, and to be the enemy of God and corruption on earth”.

According to Iranian media, the man who was charged is considered the most serious crime under Iranian law, specifically an enemy of God and corruption on earth.

The sentence comes after an effort by Iranian authorities clamp violently Hundreds of people were killed in protests and police firing. Tehran’s courts have convicted many for up to 10-15 years in prison, and protesters in prison also face torture and human rights violations.

Since the start of the demonstrations in mid-September, more than 2000 people have already been charged, while thousands more languish in prison without official charges. The protesters faced charges ranging from incitement to murder, harming security forces, propaganda against the regime and damaging public property.

Not just the protesters, Iranian officials are also targeting journalists and other members of civil society. In these too, especially the women who do not wear hijab, the government’s focus is also on them. According to a report by press watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the Iranian government has arrested an unprecedented number of female journalists.

The press watchdog said, “As the Iranian regime continues its crackdown on protests that began after the death of Mahsa Amini, nearly half of all new journalists arrested are women, including two facing the death penalty.” Huh.”

United States of america Sanctions have been imposed on several Iranian officials involved in the crackdown on the protesters. “We will continue to find ways to support the people of Iran as they protest peacefully in defense of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in doing so, will continue to impose costs on individuals and institutions in Iran who engage in brutal repression Iranian people,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

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