Fisheries department starts procurement of pearlspot from Kudumbi fishermen

The fisheries department has started procuring fish directly from fish workers of Konkani-speaking Kudumbi community in Varapuzha and neighboring areas, including the Varapuzha variety of pearls (karmeen), which are known for a unique traditional method of fishing.

The move has been launched under the commercial ‘MIMI Fish’ initiative which is part of the government’s ‘Parivartanam’ (change) project, one of the objectives of which is to free traditional fish workers from exploitation by middlemen.

The program also focuses on raising the standard of living of traditional fish workers and sourcing fresh fish, which will directly reach the consumers.

MIMI Fish, which is also a fish ordering application, was launched in August last year as a retail venture with online home delivery service in association with Kerala State Coastal Area Development Corporation. This was after the government launched ‘Parivartanam’ in November 2020 as a pioneering eco-sustainable program for the development of its fishing communities, said Roy V., COO of the ‘Parivartanam’ project. Nagendran said.

The Kudumbi community settled in Kerala three centuries ago after migrating from Goa and other parts of the Konkan Coast during the rule of Travancore King Marthanda Varma in 1729–58. Initially farmers, they started fishing in inland waters as a means of livelihood.

Shri Nagendran said that Kudumbi follows a unique method of fishing in which tender coconut leaves are tied on ropes like hanging decorations, which are then pulled through the water. These white leaves scare the fish to take refuge in the water, and are then caught by the fishermen with bare hands. He said that the ‘Parivartanam’ project is also an effort to preserve this unique method of fishing.

The Kudumbis form a large community in the Varapuzha panchayat and are involved in fishing in the inland waters of Varapuzha, Kadmakudi, Ezhikkara, Kottuvalli, Cheranalur and Mulvaukad, said VP Denny, who has been involved in helping fishermen and is part of a district committee. are members. Situ.

He is also involved in the buying center Blue Bazaar at Cheranalur near Varapuzha. The fishermen can take their catch directly to the market for sale.