Five ChatGPT Extensions You Can Use on Chrome Browser

Last Update: February 13, 2023, 16:50 IST

ChatGPT extensions for browsers are already here.

Chrome browser users can try these ChatGPT extensions on various apps and websites.

ChatGPT is everywhere, and every tech company wants a piece of it. Microsoft paid $10 billion to make ChatGPT work on Office, Bing and other products. Google is using its AI expertise to create Bard and then you have Chinese tech brands working in this space as well. But for people like you and me, ChatGPT integration is already available through Google Chrome browser and here are some ChatGPT extensions that can help you experience an AI chatbot and help you with your work.

Five ChatGPT Extensions for Your Browser


This Chrome extension is your quick access to ChatGPT and you can ask a variety of questions to the AI ​​chatbot. Conversations can also be shared with other people as permanent links. All this with one click. Find this extension on Chrome’s App Store.

chatgpt writer

What if we tell you about an extension that uses ChatGPT to help you compose mails and messages? The ChatGPT Writer extension offers Chrome users exactly that. You can use it on all websites in different languages, which means the reach of this extension is huge. The makers of ChatGPT Writer say that their detail outpaces every other ChatGPT product on the market, which is a big claim. To see the magic work, download the extension, enter your message/mail request and click the Generate Response button. It may refer to the earlier mail/message for context but may remove the confidential parts.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT

YouTube is another medium where ChatGPT can make your life easier. YouTube with ChatGPT extension speaks for itself by helping you transcribe videos on the summary platform. This tool is also helpful if you don’t want to watch the full video and prefer to read the story in text. It can also be used to get the summary by clicking on the thumbnail of the video.


Writing mails, transcribing YouTube videos aren’t the only use cases for ChatGPT. Now there is an extension for AI chatbots that can draft tweets on behalf of users. Using AI technology, TweetGPT can adapt to different writing styles and you can get the technology to tweet for you with this extension.


Want a better way to use ChatGPT without typing? Use this extension that accepts voice commands and also gives you verbal feedback as an AI virtual assistant.

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