Five easy and effective ways to keep mushrooms fresh for longer

Last Update: February 13, 2023, 18:12 IST

Fresh mushrooms are known for their high water content.

To keep mushrooms fresh longer, you should not store them near strong-smelling foods.

Fresh mushrooms are delicious. Mushrooms add richness to almost any dish. But fresh mushrooms usually don’t have a long shelf life. This is true for all types of mushrooms, including portobello mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and crimini mushrooms, depending on how they are prepared.

Fortunately, you can extend the shelf life of mushrooms by first selecting the freshest mushrooms possible and then storing them properly. The easiest way to tell if mushrooms are bad is by the way they look, feel, and then smell them. Here are some ways to keep your mushrooms fresh longer:

don’t let them dry

Fresh mushrooms are known for their high water content. After harvesting, they lose their moisture due to evaporation and respiration. If you keep them open, the airflow around them will dry them out, shrinking, and wrinkling.

slow down their decomposition process

Mature mushrooms produce enzymes that cause browning and discoloration. And after harvesting, mushrooms of all ages tend to rot because their high respiration rate causes a loss of moisture. Store mushrooms at low temperature as it helps in reducing their metabolism and decomposition process.

freeze them

You can also store mushrooms using freezing technology. First of all, wash and chop the mushrooms thoroughly. Now fry the mushrooms using oil and spices and then cool them. You can store them in a plastic zip bag and keep them in the fridge. This increases their shelf life.

store them in a container

To store mushrooms in a container, first of all take a clean washed and wiped plastic container. Keep paper towels in it properly. Then put mushrooms in it and close it. This will keep the mushrooms fresh for a long time.

don’t keep them near strong smelling foods

To keep mushrooms fresh longer, you should not store them near strong-smelling foods. Mushrooms absorb the odor of food and this reduces their shelf life.

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