Five signs your partner needs some time to himself

Sometimes reading non-verbal clues is important to gain the big picture (Image: Shutterstock)

At times, even a good running relationship can break down due to lack of proper communication.

Relationships can be complicated. At times, even a good running relationship can break down due to lack of proper communication. In addition, it is important to occasionally read non-verbal clues to gain a bigger picture on what a person is feeling at the moment. Below are some signs that may indicate that your partner may need a break and some ‘me time’ for himself.

They Aren’t Involving You in Every Plan

They may not be ready to share every moment of their life with you, or ask you how you spent your day. It could be because they are feeling burned out and they just need some space to themselves and do whatever they love. Be it watching Netflix, feeding their cat or just going for a walk, they may be finding they need ‘alone time’ and don’t want to share much.

Your partner starts avoiding long phone calls

If your partner is avoiding long phone calls, it may be because they are feeling stressed or simply not ‘feeling’ it. They may need time to themselves and focus on their own needs. Maybe they need to reconnect with other people in their lives. You can’t be hogging 24*7 all the time.

start arguing over small things

If your partner starts arguing with you for no reason, it is a sign that he is subconsciously trying to push you away. Maybe he just doesn’t feel like hanging out with you, or maybe he has pressing issues in his life that deserve his attention.

they become overly dependent on you

They lose their individuality and become dependent on you for small things. They simply can’t have their own opinion and just say ‘yes’ to everything you say. This is a sign that they need to spend time away from you and become more independent.

They reply to your messages quite late

If you significant other seems reluctant to answer your texts, take it as a sign that they feel suffocated by your constant attention and need some space to breathe.

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