Five things to check before buying a car

Buying a car can be an intimidating experience; After all, not every day we buy a car. But always look at the full picture before making a purchase. Are you planning to buy a new car soon?

For us, especially middle class Indians, buying a car is a huge opportunity. We spend almost our entire savings on buying a car. Also, we take care of it like a member of our family. No one wants to take a wrong decision by making hasty choices. As the saying goes, do your research before buying a car. A sparkling new dashboard, smoother drives, new upholstery, sparkling scratch-less paint excite us. Endless trials of paperwork, registration, insurance, EMI can be overwhelming but are the key to a worry-free life. Here are five things to check before buying a car.

Make sure all important documents are ready

The first thing one should do after buying a car is to register it at the nearest RTO as soon as possible. You have to pay vehicle tax at the time of registration. While registering, you must have the following documents with you.

  • Form 20
  • Form 21
  • Form 22
  • Form 34
  • identity proof
  • residence certificate
  • Photo

Also, you should always have these documents with you for penalty-free driving.

  • driving license
  • car insurance
  • Certificate in Pollution Control (PUC)
  • car registration card

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Finalize your budget before buying a car

Buying a car is a big decision and it should be made considering your financial condition. The showroom price is less than the on-road price, so do so carefully; If you can afford the final price. Do your math and go to as many showrooms as possible. You can also take a car loan, and most banks charge an interest rate of 7%. However, always remember the rule of thumb; Not more than half of your annual income should be spent on buying a car.

Do a test drive before buying a car

All showrooms have test drive facility; Always use it. Driving a car on the road will give you the experience, and you can check whether you are comfortable with the functionality and mechanism of the car. Try to drive the car on the regular routes you intend to drive and park where you will park it after purchasing it. Also, sit on the seats to see if the legs, shoulders and headroom are sufficient. Take your family along and see if all members are comfortable.

Choose a car according to your family size

Choosing a suitable car type can be a hectic task altogether but is not impossible. Firstly, the type of car should be based on your driving skills. If you prefer to go fast, you should probably buy an SUV, but if you prefer to drive slower, you can buy any basic car—plus, the size of your family matters. . If you have a small family, don’t waste your money buying a big eight seater car; Instead, buy a four-seater car or vice versa. These will help you narrow down your ideal car type.


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Check Engine and Safety Features

Security is essential, and there should be no room for dialogue on it. Before buying a car, it is important to look at the safety features. As of October 2019, as a part of standard equipment, the Government of India has made it mandatory for all cars to have dual airbags, ABS and reverse parking sensors. Additional safety features such as electronic stability control, autonomous emergency braking and power steering should be given priority among the public. Also, engines play a major role in determining the efficiency of a car. Different cars have different acceleration capabilities, and one should always go for the engine capacity according to one’s skill.

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