Flash mobs, rock concerts and headliners, Modi – PM’s policies focus of BJP’s MCD campaign

New Delhi,attention of cleaning staffBJP gave rights and respect (BJP took care of the safai karamcharis, gave them due respect and rights)”.

,Worked with full devotion in Corona (Worked with full dedication during the Covid pandemic)”.

These are some of the campaign slogans of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) elections to be held next month. Is he talking about the work done by the civic body, which the party has handled for 15 years? Not at all – he is actually referring to the work of the central government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This is becoming a central theme of the BJP’s campaign even as it looks unlikely that the PM will be campaigning in the municipal elections.

While the opposition has accused the BJP of focusing on Modi due to lack of achievements at the local level, Delhi BJP’s media relations department Vikram Mittal told ThePrint that it was only natural for the state unit to include the PM in all its programmes. was. campaign material.

“Modi Yes The face of the party. The decisions taken by him at the Union level have an impact on Delhi as well, so we naturally need to highlight this during the election campaign as well. ,where there is a slum there is a house (wherever Slum We will have a building there)’ was an initiative of the Centre, so the PM’s face should be there,” he said.

Mittal’s words were echoed by Virendra Sachdeva, vice-president of the party’s Delhi unit, who called Modi the “brand ambassador” of the BJP.

He is a very popular leader and we are proud to feature him in the campaign. We want his model to reach as many people as possible. most of us are workers (staff); Sachdeva said, BJP has only one leader and that is Narendra Modi.

BJP has been in power in MCD since 2007, This includes its governance over the three separate corporations into which the civic body was bifurcated between 2012 and 2022.

It was the Congress government in Delhi led by former Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, which had trifurcated in MCD, North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) and East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) in 2012. there were three reintegrated by the BJP-led central government earlier this year.

This year’s fight for the MCD is being witnessed between the BJP and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), with the MCD leaving no stone unturned to gain an edge over its rival.

While the AAP has used the face of Delhi Chief Minister and party’s national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on its posters, the Congress is reminding of the work of the Sheila Dikshit government in the national capital. Dikshit was the CM of Delhi from 1998 to 2013.

read this also, Modi’s brainchild, BJP’s Pasmanda Muslim ‘experiment’ to be tested in Delhi civic polls

poster boy modi

While the BJP has roped in party chief ministers from several states to campaign for the MCD elections, Modi remains the poster boy for those campaigns as well.

On Sunday, at least four BJP chief ministers – Himanta Biswa Sarma of Assam, Manohar Lal Khattar of Haryana, Jairam Thakur of Himachal Pradesh and Pushkar Singh Dhami of Uttarakhand – campaigned for party candidates in Delhi. According to BJP leaders, more senior leaders are expected to join the campaign in the coming days.

But the poster put up by the party has three faces – Modi, BJP national president JP Nadda and party’s Delhi unit president Adesh Gupta. The PM’s face is displayed more prominently than the other two.

BJP’s Promissory note The (manifesto) for the MCD polls doesn’t just have Modi’s picture, but details of his flagship.where there is a slum there is a house‘,’ scheme. Other central government schemes believed to have benefited the people of Delhi (such as the cleaning of the Yamuna) are also being promoted as part of the campaign.

Modi’s name appears in the party more than 50 times campaign song, In comparison, the names of Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta, former president Manoj Tiwari and MP Gautam Gambhir appear almost twice in the six-minute video.

Modi’s foreign tours, his presence in various inauguration ceremonies, PM wash feet Number of Safai Karamcharis in 2019 — “AsModi’s religion is service (Seva hi Modi ka dharma hai)” plays in the background—these are some of the highlights of the video. A line in the campaign song has also credited the distribution of Covid vaccines to the PM.

The campaign also owes its credit to the central government and Delhi’s former lieutenant general (LG) Anil Baijal. Cleaning 3 km stretch of Yamuna, and distribution of ration during the Covid-induced lockdown.

Billboard of BJP | by special arrangement

Trucks that were part of the 14 roadshow Held Under the leadership of Nadda, huge hoardings with the PM’s face along with the tagline were put up in the national capital on Sunday.Service is the idea, not empty propaganda (Service is the only idea, not empty promises)”.

party planning too Street showDelhi BJP leader Impreet Singh Bakshi said, flash mobs and performances by local rock bands to reach out to young voters. He said the content would focus on highlighting the alleged shortcomings of the AAP government in Delhi.

According to the leader, 63 drama companies were auditioned in the past months and 28 were selected to perform over 2,500 plays on eight-ten different subjects related to governance in 250 wards of Delhi.

He said that the artistes are in the age group of 18 to 30 years.

“These will focus on the achievements of the MCD, the services provided by the MCD over the years and what else it is going to do for the people of Delhi. Seventy per cent of the content will focus on the achievements of the Delhi BJP in the MCD, the rest 30 per cent will focus on Kejriwal and the rampant corruption in the Delhi government and its schemes,” claimed Bakshi.

He said the demonstrations – plays, rock band shows and flash mobs – are set to begin on Wednesday.

‘No local achievement’

On Monday, BJP Delhi general secretary Dinesh Pratap Singh was seen riding a bike emblazoned with cutouts of Modi’s face during a rally in Ghonda in north-east Delhi.

While Congress leaders have alleged that the BJP is focusing on Modi as he has no achievements to show at the local level, Delhi BJP spokesperson Pooja Suri said, “We are all united for the betterment of the people of Delhi.” Working through. There are many capable leaders in the state.”

He said Modi’s policies are all development policies, and his face should be used in any part of the country and not just in MCD elections. “We want to tell the world how well his policies have worked, and promote the fact that we are trying to implement his policies on the ground.

Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee chief Anil Kumar Chowdhary, however, questioned, “Is Modi Yes (Will) remain the PM of the country or become the MCD mayor”.

“He was in MCD for the last 15 years. They have turned it into the ‘most corrupt department’. Now they hold press conferences on issues that have nothing to do with the MCD.

He said: “We are using the picture of our respected leaders who have made Delhi what it is today,” referring to Dikshit.

The BJP had earlier used the PM’s face in its campaign for the 2017 MCD elections. After the party emerged victorious, Home Minister Amit Shah credited the victory to Modi and said it only confirmed the level of acceptance for the PM’s leadership.

AAP leader Gopal Rai told ThePrint on the sidelines of a rally in Maujpur-Babarpur on Monday, “The BJP MCD mayors have no achievements, so they have to show Modi’s picture to seek votes.”

He added: “If he had actually done some work, he would not have had to shoshebaazi (play).”

(Edited by Poulomi Banerjee)

read this also, ‘Liquor scam, bribery’ – how BJP’s Santosh hatched ‘anti-corruption’ MCD election campaign against AAP