Florida police rescue endangered manatee by keeping its head above water for 2 hours

A police officer said he thought she was about to drown.

According to one report, police officers in Florida kept the head of an endangered manatee or sea cow above water for two hours until marine biologists could rescue it. new york post, The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office noted how Marine and Environment Land Unity Deputy Jill Constant went out of her way to help the “exhausted” marine animal. This incident happened a few weeks back when the red tide level was very high. The outlet continued, Ms. Constant rushed to the scene after receiving a call from a woman who said something was wrong with a manatee in the Intracoastal Waterway.

“This manatee is about to die right in front of us and I won’t let that happen! We attached the boat… and climbed aboard. We held its head in the water for two hours until it could be rescued.” The sheriff’s office quoted him as saying on Twitter.

Ms. Constant and another officer took turns keeping the manatee’s head above the surface for two hours while waiting for help to arrive.

The officer remembered that after a while the sea cow regained her strength and began to fling her body into the water to get away from them.

“I thought I was going to drown – a martyr to my cause,” Ms Constant said. According to Post reports,

Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Commission thanked officials for coming forward to help the manatee and said it is expected to make a full recovery.

FWC biologists claimed that the sea cow’s discomfort and exhaustion were probably caused by exposure to toxins produced by red tide, a general term used for harmful algae blooms.

Aquatic mammals are found along the tropical and subtropical Atlantic coasts. There are three species of manatee – light brown, black or brown. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, they have strong slender bodies that end in a flat rounded tail that is used for propulsion. The forelimbs are modified into flippers and there is no hind limb.

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