Flying Caps Technologies CEO Renuka Jallapuram: Gaming can be a wonderful field for women developers – Times of India

Renuka Jallapuram Has over 10 years of experience in the IT & Gaming industry and is currently the CEO of Flying Caps Technologies, Starting out as a software developer, Renuka turned to mobile gaming in partnership with her husband, aiming to create engaging games played around the world. Today, his studio has launched 10 games and has over 100 million downloads globally. Google Play. He has a dream to make one of the biggest gaming companies in India from idea stage to multimillion dollar business. recently, Slink.ioA game from her studio, was selected as part of a group of 100 promising startups that will be trained as part of Appscale Academy, an initiative of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and Google.
Why did you start Flying Caps Technologies?
I have always been fascinated by the possibilities of software engineering. I started my career as a software developer in Java, J2EE and RPA automation and worked with companies like HCL and Cognizant. However, I always wanted to develop something of my own and realized the immense potential in the mobile gaming industry. So I decided to change my career completely and ventured into mobile gaming category with my husband Chandrasekhar Manubolu,
How was your journey as a female game developer?
The journey was not easy. Software development and game development are two different competencies. But over time, I became capable of self-learning and took full ownership of developing new indie games. Eventually, in 2019, I decided to go beyond being a developer, and co-founded Flying Caps Technologies, a gaming company through which my husband and I hope to create engaging games that will be played by people around the world. Will go I am also looking forward to launching games that are for female gamers, by female developers.
What is the main focus of your game?
We started in 2016 by creating indie games with the aim of reaching people around the world and giving them unique and disruptive gaming experiences. Today, we have built Flying Caps Technologies. Through Google Play, we’ve been able to better understand how our games are growing, and get a deeper insight into our audience. The platform helps us gain a better insight into our userbase and technical aspects of the game.
How has the app ecosystem evolved in India after the pandemic, especially with respect to online gaming?
Mobile gaming is on the rise in India, with more people coming online as well as spending time online due to the pandemic. The fall in data cost in the country has also boosted internet adoption. India’s gaming base has grown rapidly and the demand for local gaming solutions is expected to increase. However, while the demand has picked up, it has been a challenging period for studios like us. We were looking to launch several new games, however, due to the pandemic, we had to put our hiring plans on hold.
Now we are looking forward to expanding our business. We aim to launch games in all categories – multiplayer, hyper-casual, and games powered by AR and VR. We believe gaming can be an amazing field for women developers, and we look forward to bringing new talent to campuses to join us.
Have a message you want to share with your fellow female developers this Women’s Day?
I would like to stress that we need more female game developers. There has been a significant increase in the female gaming population, which makes it the perfect opportunity for female game developers to flourish. I encourage women developers across the country to create their own opportunities and take initiatives that help them realize their dreams. It is time to be smart, confident and build for the world.