“Follow the Rules”: Jaipur Police Posts Traffic Advisory With Panchayat 2 Twist

Jaipur Police used reference to ‘Panchayat 2’ to issue the advisory.

Jaipur Police has shared a post on Twitter based on the popular web series Panchayat. Its second season released two weeks back and was a huge hit. After the release of Panchayat Season 2, people posted many memes online and now it is the turn of Jaipur Police.

“Follow the rules for good. Don’t forget, everything is being recorded (Don’t forget, everything is being recorded),” Jaipur Police said in its tweet. The picture accompanying the post shows a character telling a villager about a CCTV camera phuleraWhere the Panchayat chain is based.

The tweet was posted on Wednesday evening and has since been viewed by many.

One user commented, “Funny but such a cool way, keep it up Jaipur Police.”

Others talked about the series and the parts they liked.

Posted a few days ago by Jaipur Police another tweet Based on the popular web series, which used to warn people against driving under the influence of alcohol.

“First you take a drink, then drink takes a drink, then drink takes you. Come alive, never drink and drive,” the May 30 tweet said.

This is not the first time that the city police has posted a tweet based on a popular series or occasion.

On Valentine’s Day this year, Mumbai Police used humor and wit to deliver a strong message.

The Twitter handle of the Commissioner of Police, Mumbai Police posted a seven-second animated clip, which talks about some golden rules of being a good citizen and staying safe.

The clip said, “You’re our valentine if…” and the options appeared, one by one, in quick succession. He added that those who “wear masks”, “are double vaccinated”, “wear helmets while riding”, “don’t share your OTP”, “drive with a valid license”, “do not drink and drive”. do” and “have a strong password” are true valentines.