Follow these 5 nutritionist-approved tips to sweat less this summer

Summer is an opportunity to enjoy ice candies, sweet cold drinks and eat fresh summer fruits. These effectively help in beating the scorching heat as the sun rises right above our heads and scorches everything. Well, we all know that it is a healthy experience to savor delicious kulfi during summers. But, with joy comes sweat and a lot more. Stepping out to run errands can mean coming back with a sweat-soaked shirt which can be a smelly and uncomfortable affair. But there are some ways you can sweat a little less this summer.

According to nutritionist Lavneet Batra, you can opt for some drinks and follow some simple tips to deal with excessive sweating that plagues us with the summer season.

Read also: Skin Care In Summer: Home Remedies For Blemish Skin

Here are 5 tips to stop excessive sweating:

Drink more fluids:

It is recommended to consume more fluids during hot summer days to make up for the loss of water from your body due to sweating. It is not necessary that you drink only water and you can also drink desi summer coolers like Sattu. buttermilk, jaljeera, and Phalsa juice. Nutritionists say that this will not cause dehydration and the body will remain cool.

Go easy on the espresso:

We know that sometimes a cup of coffee is all it takes to wake up. But it is necessary to consume it in limited quantity. Nutritionists insist that the caffeine in coffee stimulates the adrenal glands and causes our palms, feet and underarms to sweat.

Skip spicy food:

You can try to reduce the spiciness in your curries and avoid adding extra green chillies. Eating spicy food makes you sweat because the body reacts to it the same way it reacts to any other form of heat.

Use Antiperspirant:

Antiperspirants are specially made to reduce sweating and hence they can be a good option to avoid the embarrassment caused by smelly patches of sweat.

Don’t take stress:

Being anxious or stressed can also cause your body to sweat more by activating the sweat glands. It is advised to keep your mind cool to prevent excessive sweating.