Follow these tips on how to stay physically and mentally healthy during menopause

New Delhi: Menopause affects every woman in a unique way. Several symptoms, including irregular periods, hot flashes, sweating, trouble sleeping, mood swings, irritability, hip and back pain, and more, are associated with this infection for many women.
“Indian women typically go through menopause five years earlier than Westerners, at an average age of 46.2 years. Hormonal changes begin during perimenopause or even before the time around menopause, which lasts four years or a decade. Lasts during. During this period, 80 percent of women are affected by menopausal symptoms. A holistic approach to managing this stage can help women overcome discomfort and stay healthy,” says Jaideep Malhotra, Former President of Indian Menopause Society and South Asian Federation of Menopause Societies said. ,

The secret to a healthy life is to prepare for the moment, just as we do for other life milestones like job interviews and parenthood. Here are four common actions you can take to better manage menopause:

maintain a balanced diet

Good nutrition is a game changer for managing menopausal symptoms, from hot flashes to bloating. Foods to include and avoid in your diet are:


Fruits and vegetables: These are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs. You can’t go wrong with seasonal vegetables and fresh fruits.

– Fiber: Foods and foods rich in calcium and vitamin D: High-fiber foods like leafy greens, kidney beans and whole grains can also support better health. Dairy products and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are good sources of nutrition.


Fatty meats and processed foods: Fast or fried foods, processed snacks and meats are high in sodium, which makes you feel bloated. These foods can also affect cholesterol levels or increase the risk of heart disease. In addition, spicy foods can trigger symptoms such as hot flashes.

Alcohol: Moderation is key. Regular alcohol consumption can aggravate menopausal symptoms, sleep problems and increase mental health problems.

– Caffeine: A caffeine kick makes you more likely to have hot flashes. It is suggested to resort to alternative hot drinks.

be active

Regular exercise can keep your bones strong, improve your mood, and combat symptoms like weight gain as your body changes. You can try the following activities:

– Cardio: Aerobic activities or cardio include endurance activities that encourage you to use your larger muscles. You can start with 10 minutes a day of brisk walking, jogging, swimming, running, cycling, or even dancing, and build up the intensity as you progress.

– Strength training: lifting dumbbells or using weight machines can help strengthen your muscles and bones, as well as reduce body fat

– Yoga: Yoga postures – ranging from restorative and supportive to power yoga – are a good source of targeted symptom relief, helping to relax the body. Along with meditation or breathing exercises, these can also induce relaxation and mindfulness.

take care of mental health

Emotional and mental health can be affected by hormonal changes during perimenopause. Women who go through this stage may experience symptoms including insomnia, anxiety, immobility, exhaustion, stress or depression. Most of the symptoms can be controlled by making changes in one’s lifestyle. These symptoms can be reduced by exercise, healthy eating habits, drinking plenty of water, and relaxation techniques for restful sleep. Find what works for you and create realistic, attainable goals.

consult a doctor

Co-morbid disorders, such as osteoporosis and heart disease, which are more likely to develop in menopausal women, can be prevented by maintaining good health. Additionally, there are a variety of therapeutic options for menopausal symptoms, such as menopausal hormonal therapy, that can help keep your body’s estrogen levels stable and control symptoms. If you experience symptoms that concern you, it is always advisable to see a doctor.

“Menopause is a time of transition for women, which can prove to be challenging. We believe it is important to raise awareness on the physical, mental and overall emotional aspects of menopause so that women can get the help they need and be able to live with in this life. At the same time, we partner with healthcare professionals to share medical best practices and help women experiencing menopause experience physical symptoms, said Jejo Karankumar, Medical Director, Abbott India. To change the way we give support as a whole.