Follow these tips to strengthen your bond with your kids

Last Update: March 02, 2023, 17:53 IST

Parents try to make their children agree with their views and often ignore their feelings.

Swearing, hitting or cursing can lead to differences between you and your child.

Every parent wants to have a healthy relationship with their child. However, no relationship or bond is devoid of differences. Sometimes the generation gap does not allow parents to be friends with their children. Parents often blame, scold, hit or even abuse their children for wrongdoings.

By doing so, the gulf between children and parents may widen further. To avoid such situations here are some important tips for parents to improve their relationship and bond with their kids.

avoid scolding them

Sometimes parents start scolding or hitting their children for disobeying and many of them also start threatening their children. By doing this, your child may stop sharing their views with you or may even stop respecting you. Always try not to scold or hit your children unnecessarily.

understand the feelings of the child

Parents try to make their children agree with their views and often ignore their feelings. Doing this can create disharmony in the minds of children. So avoid imposing your opinion on the child every time.

Avoid telling about their bad habits all the time

Not every child is perfect. Most parents ignore the good things in their children and often taunt them or point out their bad habits. This will not only hurt your child’s sentiments but also lower his confidence. So try not to criticize them every time.

don’t use profanity

Parents often say bad things to their children in anger or some parents even abuse their children. This can hurt their feelings and distance can come between the two of you. So do not use swear words or abusive words while scolding your child.

give them time and love

In today’s busy lifestyle, parents are not able to give much time to their children. This can make your child feel lonely or think that you don’t love them. So try to spend more and more time with your child and give them lots of love.

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