For change: on gay relationships and society

Changes in the law on same-sex relations must be accompanied by an attitude change in society

In a recent advisory of the National Medical Commission (NMC), it has been emphasized that Derogatory references to the LGBTQIA+ community in medical textbooks need to be avoided Or teaching methods underscore the value of institutional awareness on issues concerning queer and trans people. Then came the advisory Madras High Court expressed concern On “unscientific and derogatory information” in some textbooks. The NMC cautioned medical universities, colleges and other institutions to avoid such references while teaching gender-related subjects. Institutions were also asked not to approve books containing such references, while textbook authors were instructed to amend what they wrote on issues such as virginity and homosexuality. The circular represents the fruit of the efforts of Justice N Anand Venkatesh, who laid down the guidelines in an order in June to protect the rights of the community. He had expanded the scope of a writ petition filed for protection against harassment by a homosexual couple, which went into the status of those who did not conform to a specified gender identity at birth or to a hetero-standard sexual orientation. The court’s attention was then turned to psychiatry, forensic medicine and toxicology textbooks. Justice Venkatesh had suggested that the NMC and the Indian Psychiatric Society bring necessary changes in the curriculum.

The judge had directed police not to harass sexual minorities, but later said such harassment was not only continuing, but sometimes even spread to NGOs and other allies of the LGBTQIA+ community. He also contemplated to amend the Police Conduct Rules to make provision for punishment to the erring policemen in this regard. He also mentioned derogatory references in the media. They found that a psychiatrist referred a gay man to cognitive behavioral therapy while anti-depressants and drugs were meant to treat erectile dysfunction under the mistaken belief that sexual orientation required some form of therapy. Is. During the hearing, the judge subjected herself to counseling to look at her mindset, limitations in understanding and lack of exposure to issues of gender non-conformity and going beyond her binary understanding of sex and sexuality. Judicial intervention generally has a beneficial effect on the behavior of the state, its institutions and structures. However, except in specific directions, the spirit of judicial orders, especially in relation to social issues, rarely permeates every organ of administration. Gay and non-conforming people have found an ally in court, but if their rights are to be protected, they will require more effort on the part of authorities at various levels. In any case, any change in law must be complemented by an attitude change in society at large, in terms of recognizing same-sex relationships or understanding gender self-identity.


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