For fractured Israel, film draws ominous lessons from ancient past – World Latest News Headlines

The film has been praised by Israelis left and right as a debate for a new climate of tolerance. But not everyone agrees with this message.

At least one far-right former legislator disputed the narrative of self-destruction, arguing that the Romans were to blame, not the Jewish infiltration. Others doubted that the film would have any lasting impact.

Ideological disputes are nothing new for Israel, said Tehila Schwartz Altschuller, an expert on democracy in the information age at the Israel Democracy Institute, a research group in Jerusalem. But now, he said, discontent had turned into hatred, which was fueled by social media. “You can force every teen in Israel to see this film, but everyone will find it a reinforcement of their current thoughts and beliefs.”

Mr Netanyahu’s aides continue to characterize Mr Bennet’s government as a fraud, relying on “stolen” votes and “supporters of terrorism”, meaning Arab lawmakers.

And after an Israeli soldier was fatally shot at the Gaza border by a Palestinian terrorist last month, Mr. Netanyahu’s supporters sought to capitalize on the incident by calling army commanders weak and restrained and Mr. Bennett in the soldier’s blood. . as was pictured.

Public attacks on the legitimacy of the military prompted the release of Chief of Staff General Kochawi special statement In support of its soldiers with an ominous warning: “A society that does not support its soldiers and commanders, even if mistakes are made, will find that there is no one left to fight for it.”

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