Foreign Minister’s meeting meeting, Foreign Minister’s position discussed

Ko Jaishankar established the state with the establishment of Indo-Saudi with his prestige, social security, social associate (management)

Jaishankar said, “This morning had a communication with the Foreign Minister of Arab Faiz Hal Farah. Official, Security, Social and Cultural Committee of the Indo-Saudi Arabia Council. It is said, ”We work as usual.

India and India have friendly relations with socioeconomic status and socio-cultural relations as well. Arab is the fastest business activity of India.

Jaishankar published for the first time in ‘Studies of Prince Saud Al Fazal of Plow’. Dialogue in the in-between relationship between your communication and that of positive communication, survival of prosperity, stabilization, security and development.

Jaishankar once said, “Prince Saud Al Fazal of Diplo Diplose” in a meeting to test. This is how it is dubbed.

The temperature drop in India is more than 18 percent. The value of the trade turnover for the year 2022 (April-December) was $29.28 billion. India to India was worth $22.65 billion and India to India was worth $6.63 billion.

Jaishankar bargained for Arab for Arab. Weather characteristics

Jaishankar messaged, “With dealing with Indian ads. Sensation of the impact of the environment. Changes will happen in times of crisis in our country, especially in times of changing weather, and in the post-transformation times in India.

Register Indians who are affected in Arabia are in Arabia.

Jaishankar said that India has strengthened its growth and developed as a high income country. India will be the fastest growing major economy of the world this year with a global transformation in the economy of at least percentage of high quality global transformation.

️Community️Community️Community️Community According to the situation in which it was said, the situation also came.

Jaishankar said, “Saudi Arabia was there and they supplied you. Kovid-19 took the test of Kovid-19, and we succeeded.” In the proverbs among comrades all India Varshas Ka Mausam said, “What about India in many forms.”

Jaishankar impressed upon the commissioning status of the Power Council (GCC) for power consumption.