Forgot WiFi Password? A Mini-Guide to Recover Wi-Fi Password from Android Phone

Strong and cumbersome Wi-Fi passwords are not easy to remember. People often forget their Wi-Fi passwords and always prefer to have passwords that are strong and unmistakable. Complex characters in passwords can actually cause the password to be forgotten.

Here is a mini-guide on how to recover Wi-Fi password from your Android smartphone.

Step 1 Open Settings on your Android phone.

Step 2 Tap on Wi-Fi tab.

Step 3 Select the option of Wi-Fi network to which the user is connected or a network that is saved in the device.

Step 4 Proceed by tapping on Wi-Fi QR Code.

Step 5 To get the password, the screen has to be unlocked using the phone’s unlock PIN, fingerprint or face unlock.

Step 6 After unlocking the phone, enter the QR code and WIFI password A new screen that opens will be displayed.

STEP Now, it’s easy to connect to another device by scanning a QR code or using a password.

These steps are helpful for users who are currently using Android 10 or later devices. They can use these steps to check the password of the Wi-Fi they are connected to.

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