Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe shot in the chest during an event in Nara, taken to hospital

Shinzo Abe, who stepped down as Prime Minister of Japan in 2020, was giving a speech in Nara when two gunshots were heard and he collapsed on the stage

Shinzo Abe, who stepped down as Prime Minister of Japan in 2020, was giving a speech in Nara when two gunshots were heard and he collapsed on the stage

former prime minister of japan Shinzo Abe According to several Japanese media sources, Nara was allegedly shot twice in the chest while giving a speech.

According to Japan’s public broadcaster NHKWhen people heard two gunshots, Mr. Abe collapsed and was bleeding. After that he was taken to the hospital. According to LDP officials, he was shot in the chest and was taken to the hospital. The police has arrested one of the accused.

Mr Abe, 67, was delivering an election campaign speech for the Upper House of Japan’s parliament ahead of Sunday’s election.

longest serving prime minister

Mr. Abe, the longest serving Prime Minister of Japan, announced his resignation due to ill health In August 2020, a term at the helm of the world’s third-largest economy came to an end.

Mr Abe had said, “I have decided that I will step down as prime minister, with the belief that I cannot remain prime minister if I do not believe that I can carry out the work assigned to me by the people.” Am.” a news conference.

More details about the incident are awaited.