Former Puducherry CM Narayanasamy seeks PM Modi’s resignation over Pegasus issue

Former Puducherry chief minister V. Narayanasamy said Prime Minister Narendra Modi should resign to pave the way for a “fair probe” into the Pegasus issue.

In a virtual statement to the media on Sunday night, he said Mr Modi should not continue as prime minister after an expert technical committee, as directed by the Supreme Court, accused Israel of spying using Pegasus spyware. was investigating.

The allegations of spying using spyware have become more serious after this the new York Times He told that the Modi government had bought Pegasus in July 2017.

“Already an inquiry ordered by the Supreme Court is on. The report published in the newspaper is a serious allegation on the Modi government. If the report is true then the government has cheated the Parliament. Recently, a US President resigned on charges of espionage. Similarly, the Prime Minister should resign and join the investigation ordered by the Supreme Court so that the full facts can come out.

Stating that spying on individuals is a serious allegation as it violates people’s privacy, he added that Mr Modi’s continuance in office will not help a fair investigation. He alleged that the government has lied to the Parliament on the incident of espionage.

The former chief minister also criticized the NDA government in the union territory for its improper handling of the COVID-19 crisis. He claimed that the government deliberately reduced testing to hide the actual number of cases. He said that the number of deaths due to the virus has also increased in the last few days.
