Former spokesperson Shergill says ‘extreme left’ section trying to convert Congress into ‘poorly managed NGO’

New Delhi: A section of Congress which believes in “Left Wing (sic) ideology” is making systematic efforts to turn the party into a “poorly managed NGO”, former spokesperson Jaiveer Shergill, who quit the Congress on Wednesday, has said.

In an interview with ThePrint, he also claimed that his year-long efforts to hold meetings with the party leadership – interim president Sonia Gandhi, MP Rahul Gandhi and general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra – have gone in vain.

The 39-year-old, who was an advocate practicing in the Supreme Court before joining politics, also feels that top decision-makers in Congress are “highly influenced by a congregation or cabal consisting of PA (individual assistant), OSD. (officers on special duty) and select leaders” when it comes to decision making and delegating responsibilities.

Decision-making in Congress is not being weighed by the parameters of electoral influence or how much ice the Congress leadership is cutting with the public, Shergill said, Stating that the “three accountability, accountability and awareness of the ground realities” are completely missing from the process.

“Despite this vicious cycle of election defeat, there is not even an attempt to set an agenda or deliver a strong message to attract voters. Even on important political issues of today’s time like secularism, nationalism and economy, it is not clear to the voter where the Congress stands.

Hitting out at the Gandhi family, Shergill remarked that the top leadership of the Congress party appears to be “immune” to electoral victories and defeats.

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‘The main criterion shifted to sycophancy’

Elaborating on his claim that the Congress leadership is heavily influenced by a “swamp”, Shergill said: “The basic criteria of competence and competence have shifted closer to sycophancy and kabal.”

“As a result, any young, noble leader, for whom the Congress is not a money making center, is either being crushed or listened to. Because that input or that legitimate criticism can shake the apple cart of this cable,” he said.

Shergill said his futile attempts to hold a meeting with the Gandhi family reinforced his decision to break ties with the Congress. “I wanted to find an audience with the three Gandhis face-to-face. I have been trying to find time for the past year and a half. I ain’t got no revert (sic). Those who are associated with other parties, those who have been open critics of family, Congress, they have got faster and faster time than good leaders and individuals like me.

In his resignation letter addressed to Sonia, the former spokesperson said the party’s decision-making mechanism “is no longer in the interest of the public and the country”.

“primary reason [for quitting] That the ideology and vision of the present decision-makers of the Indian National Congress is no longer in line with the aspirations of the youth and modern India.”

Shergill remained silent when asked about his plans for the future. “I am neither resigning nor leaving the political space. Future plans will be known in the future.”

(Edited by Amritansh Arora)

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