Forming cooperatives is the best way for small businesses to grow: Amul MD

“Value for many, value for money. How diligently you adhere to your value systems and business objectives will determine the success of your business,” said Dr RS Sodhi, Managing Director, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, owner of Amul. He was speaking at Isha Insight: The DNA of Success, the business leadership program of Isha Leadership Academy.

“Whatever price system we have, it was instilled in us by our founders. When I say value for many, I mean providing a very stable price to the millions of farmers who are working day by day. produce milk, to encourage them to invest more, produce more, develop more. If everyone is happy, you will grow,” said Sodhi, on the 100th birth anniversary of Amul’s founder Varghese Echoing the values ​​and ethos inculcated by Kurien in his DNA.

Talking about how his primary focus is quality, Sodhi said: “We always test milk at the collection centres. If any adulteration is found, we add red color to it so that the farmer cannot sell it elsewhere. Similarly, we use gas chromatography to test the purity of ghee.” Stating that the formation of cooperatives is the best way for small businesses to grow, he said: “They can come together, Can share resources, build and access their own supply chain. consumer. As a result, the maximum amount earned is refunded to the supplier or manufacturer of the service.”

Apart from Sodhi, wow! Sagar Daryani, Co-Founder and CEO, Momo Foods, shares his insight on how he started his food business with a budget of Rs 30,000. “I believe that the life of an entrepreneur should be so long that it does not let you sleep. How do you start a business with Rs 30,000? In India, if you want a startup to be successful, you need to know how to start your own Makeshifter, we knew how to Makeshifter!” Daryani said that his biggest investors are his clients. “Before 2015, many Indian investors had approached us. But at that time I felt that the business was not ready for funding. So with great confidence I can say ‘No’. ‘

On Thursday, Sadhguru launched a four-day program designed to help entrepreneurs prepare for the next phase of their leadership journey. Talking about having a clear purpose in business, the spiritual leader told the participants, “The most important thing is to create a burning desire in your heart. If this happens, you will see the plans come a long way.” .

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