Founder of a ‘Mini-India’

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s views on religious unity and the use of education for national integration are relevant even today.

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a distinguished social reformer and founder of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), who has completed 100 years, was born on October 17, 1817. That was a long time ago, but his thought process is as relevant today as it was before it.

integration through education

With the new National Education Policy, the role of education in national integration has been rekindled. National integration is a reality today. During colonialism, it was a role model for Sir Syed. His uniqueness lay in the fact that he used education as a tool for national integration. He said in 1883: “It is the verdict of all the nations of the world and the great sages that national progress depends on education and training (of the people). Therefore, if we want the prosperity and development of our nation, we must give our people One should strive for a national education system to educate in science and technology.”

Some scholars on colonial history have criticized some of Sir Syed’s statements on the social order and his alleged proximity to the colonial government. However, drawing a generalized conclusion on Sir Syed’s beliefs without understanding their context through the lens of only a few quotes would not be an appropriate way of assessing his legacy. A person’s text should be judged in terms of the time in which they lived. The period of Sir Syed’s life was characterized by rapid transition – Mughal rule was under British imperialism. We should not underestimate the challenges posed by the new order for someone brought into the old order. Sir Syed embraced change against all odds.

When Sir Syed began his project of educational renaissance, he invited all Indians to come together in the struggle against illiteracy. It arose out of his medieval thinking wishing to lead Hindus and Muslims to a broad mind, reason and progress. It is important to understand that while his approach was always inclusive, he paid special attention to Muslims because Hindus took the path of scientific education much earlier than Muslims. It is a known fact that the debate over the tension between religion and science was settled earlier among Hindus than among Muslims. Sir Syed laid out his vision for Hindu-Muslim unity in a speech in January 1883, where he said, “India is like a bride who has two beautiful and attractive eyes – Hindu and Muslim. Between Hindus or Muslims or even between That there is a difference of opinion between brothers as well as between fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, but to make it perennial is a symptom of the downfall of the family, the country and the nation.

inter-faith understanding

The harmony between the two communities has always existed since the inception of AMU’s predecessor, the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental (MAO) College. This was no small task. During the colonial rule, the story of hatred was fabricated by the British. Sir Syed set an example. During the Bismillah ceremony of his grandson Ross Masood, Sir Syed placed him in the lap of his friend Raja Jai ​​Kishan Das. When Sir Syed established a madrasa in Ghazipur, he chose Raja Dev Narayan Singh as the patron of the school. Sanskrit was one of the five languages ​​taught in this school. The Managing Committee of MAO College had 22 members, of whom nine were Hindus.

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Sir Syed laid the foundations of comparative religious studies and revived the spirit of Dara Shikoh’s philosophy – to bring the major communities of India to find commonality in their religions and to assimilate them as a powerful stream. This is why AMU established the Dara Shikoh Center for Interfaith Understanding. Section 5(2)(b) of the AMU Act empowers the University to promote the study of religions, civilization and culture of India.

Read also | ‘Sir Syed Ahmed Khan tried to put an end to the communal attitude promoting orthodox outlook’

In the 100 years of AMU, it has not only contributed to nation building, but has also played a role in India’s quest to forge friendly relations with the Muslim world. For this, AMU has been recognized as an Institute of National Importance under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution. Throughout history, AMU has faced many challenges but has never shed its inclusive character. Apart from attracting students from 26 other countries, it has students from 31 states and union territories and thus represents the multi-religious, multi-racial and multilingual character of India. This is the reason why Prime Minister Narendra Modi called the institution “Mini-India” during the centenary celebrations of AMU in 2020. Shri Modi outlined the principles of ‘Nation First’ and ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ while emphasizing that Sir Syed founded AMU with a rational, progressive and scientific mindset. It is commendable that the Prime Minister mentioned the contribution of the 19th century reformer in building the India of the 21st century. This is a testimony to the vision of a man who was far ahead of his time.

Tariq Mansoor is the Vice Chancellor of AMU


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