Four employees of e-commerce company arrested for stealing phones worth Rs 10 lakh, wanted to gift iPhone to girlfriend on her birthday

During police investigation, it was revealed that these four friends together had stolen seven iPhones and seven Android phones from their own office.

New Delhi:

The craze of Apple Iphone is speaking in such a way that everyone wants to buy it. However, iPhones are so expensive that not everyone can afford them. But in spite of being fat, in her craze, she speaks on people’s heads. Recently, four employees of an e-commerce company were arrested for stealing mobile phones worth around Rs 10 lakh. They have damaged several Android phones and small ones from their office located in Bindapur area of ​​South-West Delhi. These have been accurately identified as Manish (22), Aman (22), Dilip (38) and Sanjay (33). All of them are friends and have different living places in Delhi.

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When the Delhi Police nabbed these allegations, an interesting revelation came to light. According to the police, Manish was the mastermind of this theft incident. Actually, she wanted to gift it to her girlfriend on her birthday. During interrogation, Manish told that first he had stolen two from the office. But later he felt that it was a way of earning easy money. He then enlists his three friends in his plan and steals the phone from the company. During the police investigation, it was revealed that these four friends together had stolen seven and seven Android phones from their own office.

Manish Pant, the manager of the e-commerce company, came to know about this incident of theft on Thursday during a shock. After which he gave this information to the police. When the CCTV footage of the company was scrutinized, it was found that four employees of the company had damaged many possible phones. The Delhi Police swung into action on Friday when they received an advertisement that the four were trying to sell the team to claimed buyers and were spotted near Metro Pillar 730 on Uttam Nagar Najafgarh Road.

The police arrested Manish, Aman and Dilip out of the four strategies by laying a trap. A total of 5 phones were recovered from it, including two and three Android phones. At the same time, when the police interrogated these three photographs, Sanjay was also found on the fourth day and he was also arrested. Two crore were also recovered from his possession. Along with this, it also came to know that Manish Dilip and Sanjay got the job of falling iPhones from the office while Sanjay specially used to sell these stolen phones in the market.