France: ‘India France’s most important strategic ally in the Indo-Pacific’ – Times of India

France There is still ruckus over the AUKUS military deal between the US, UK and Australia, which cost it a major submarine deal. French Defense Minister Florence Parly Rajat tells Pandit that his country is committed to offering India its best defense technology and to cooperate in areas such as AI, cyber security and space security. Interview excerpts:
What is on the agenda for your talks with the Defense Minister? Rajnath Singh And other leaders on Friday?
Since my last visit to India in September 2020, the Indo-French friendship has displayed extraordinary solidarity and commitment. We have helped each other during the worst of the pandemic. India stood with France when we were attacked by terrorist. France has so far fulfilled its commitment to deliver the Rafale fighter jets on time, despite the disruptions by the pandemic: 33 of the 36 jets. Our armed forces have reached a new level of interoperability this year with major air, naval and army exercises. It reinforces my belief that the India-France strategic partnership is our best asset to shape the post-pandemic world, protect our common values ​​and promote a multipolar world. Following the exchanges between President Macron and Prime Minister Modi, Minister Rajnath Singh and I will hold our annual defense dialogue to review and take forward all aspects of our cooperation. I would also reiterate France’s commitment to offer its best defense technology with a high “Make in India” component.
I also take this opportunity to pay my tributes to the CDS Gen. Bipin Rawat On his sad demise. My thoughts are with his family and other victims. India has lost a charismatic, visionary military leader who left no stone unturned to strengthen India’s armed forces in a challenging strategic environment. France has also lost a friend who believed that Indo-French defense cooperation was important to meet these challenges and strengthen the two countries.
What about the broader India-France strategic partnership and its prospects, including new areas such as space security cooperation?
Our strategic partnership is based on enduring shared interests and an extraordinary level of trust built over decades. It enables France and India to work together in sensitive areas to enhance the terms of our autonomy and sovereignty. This is what we are doing in defense by sharing best-in-class capabilities like Rafale, and technology transfer like in the Scorpene submarine program. Today we are expanding this cooperation into new areas such as artificial intelligence and supercomputing, cyber security and indeed space security.
If space was a “new frontier” in the past, it has now become a “new frontier”. France and India have long enjoyed civil space cooperation. So we also want to join hands on space safety and security issues by establishing a dedicated dialogue. The goal is to share threat assessments, coordinate our response strategies, and jointly promote international norms to ensure a free and safe space. Together we build satellites, it’s only natural to work together to protect them!
Has the focus on France’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific yielded any results?
AUKUS does not change geography. France is a country in the Indo-Pacific and India is our most important strategic partner to keep the region free, open and prosperous. And I am happy that we have other partnerships in this area also getting stronger, such as with the United Arab Emirates, whose armed forces will also now fly Rafale jets.
France and India share the same clear vision of challenges in the region, including maritime security. But a reductionist approach of military blocs, where countries abdicate responsibility for their own security, is not the solution. Our answer is to bring together countries that are willing to uphold the rule of law without any hegemony. This means being able to offer countries in the region a comprehensive, alternative model that addresses both their security and development needs while respecting their sovereignty. France and India have been working on this positive agenda for years and now, with the new EU strategy for the Indo-Pacific, we can count on the additional strength of the EU and its 27 member states.
France will take the presidency of the European Union in the first semester 2022. How will India be among your priorities?
Our first priority will be to build a mighty Europe that is in control of its own destiny. This ambition is in line with France and India’s campaign for strategic autonomy. This makes the EU a natural partner for India to work together on building a truly multipolar world order starting in the Indo-Pacific, where Europe has much in common – tangible solutions for connectivity, environmental protection and health By increased naval presence for This is what I mean by providing an alternative model that is based on partnership rather than dependency. We will use our presidency to deliver solidly on this vision, with India at the core of our efforts. Specifically, we will invite countries from the region to the Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum in February.
What do you think about China’s aggressive behavior in the Indo-Pacific region as well as the ongoing military confrontation with India in eastern Ladakh?
The interests of France and Europe are directly affected by the issues at stake in the Indo-Pacific, including China’s behaviour. There is no naveté in Paris or the European Union about this. We are committed to uphold the law of the sea, as demonstrated by our enduring military presence in the region, frequent naval deployments and joint exercises with partners such as India.
About the situation in East Ladakh: We are following the events closely. No country can use the policy of fulfillment of trust. We welcome the isolation steps taken so far, and strongly believe in peaceful dialogue and respect for international law as the way forward.
There is still a lot of controversy regarding the Rafale deal. A judge in France also opened the investigation?
It is not my place to comment on any political debate in India or on the allegations of the press. It should be noted that in 2019 the agreement was thoroughly scrutinized by relevant bodies in each country, including the Supreme Court of India. Now, if you look at the facts: Rafale is being delivered perfectly on time; The IAF, dare I say, seems completely satisfied with its performance; offset is being applied; And French companies are more eager than ever to “Make in India” projects.
