France to ease Covid-19 restrictions in February – Times of India

Paris: French Prime Minister Jean castex announced on Thursday evening that the government would move to ease some COVID-19 related restrictions in February.
During a press conference, Castex insisted that Omicron Type “Not just a flu at all.”
He once again recalled the importance of vaccination, saying that a fully vaccinated person is 4.5 times more likely to be infected than a non-vaccinated person, and 25 times less chance of turning into severe cases. Castex announced that the Vaccine Pass, replacing the current Health Pass, would take effect on January 24, subject to the Constitutional Council’s decision on Friday.
Vaccine Pass enables people to gain access to public places without the need to submit a negative COVID-19 test.
For access to nursing homes and hospitals, the vaccine pass will not be mandatory. The Prime Minister said that children in the age group of 12 to 15 years can not give a vaccine pass but a health pass.
He reminded that, effective from February, 15, People who have not received a booster shot four months after the second dose will not be considered a complete vaccination cycle.
However, Castex announced that some restrictions starting in February measures will be relaxed.
From February 2, the limit on the number of people allowed in indoor and outdoor events will be removed. Masks will no longer be needed outside.
He said that even telecommunications will no longer be mandatory, but will still be encouraged.
From February 16, eating and drinking will be allowed again in stadiums, cinemas, public transport, as well as standing in bars, concerts and nightclubs.
The Scientific Council announced in a statement on Thursday that “with the fifth wave omicron The version is not over and its impact on the health system will be high but partially manageable until mid-March.”
In the evening, the French Public Health Agency detected 425,183 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours.
More than 52 million people have had a full vaccination cycle, representing 77.7 percent of the French population.
