Free bus facility for women will be launched shortly, says Andhra Pradesh Transport Minister

Minister for Transport Mandipalli Ramprasad Reddy addressing the media in Visakhapatnam on Sunday.
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Minister for Transport, Youth and Sports Mandapilli Ramprasad Reddy has said that the free bus facility for women promised by the NDA partners ahead of the elections will be implemented across the State within a few weeks.

At present, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) is conducting a study on the free bus facility being implemented in various States such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Telangana, the Minister told the media in Visakhapatnam on June 30 (Sunday).

Mr. Ramprasad Reddy said some issues needed to be studied and resolved before the launch of free bus travel for women. He said that additional buses would be needed as the number of women passengers would increase.

“The Transport department is in talks with the RTC officials in Karnataka and Telangana. Soon, a team would visit these States. The programme will be launched for sure. There might be some delay of a few weeks,” the Minister said.

He said that the State government was prioritising the construction of new APSRTC depots, increasing the number of buses and their frequency to meet the requirements of passengers. The issues and demands of to the APSRTC employees would also be resolved at the earliest, he said.