Free Electric Vehicle Charging for Cars? Here’s What Each Car Manufacturer Has to Offer

Electric cars are the latest technological development in the automobile industry. While Tesla is one of the leading companies in this field, other automobile manufacturers have quickly grasped the potential of this industry and jumped on the wagon.

The increase in the demand for electric cars has led to many big name brands joining the industry. However, since he was a little late to the party, he has to do double work to make his mark in the market. One such feature that is common in this industry is the availability of free charging.

Automakers in today’s industry are talking about providing free charging for both their current and upcoming EV models. Mentioned here is a guide that has listed all the latest programs on which EV manufacturers provide free charging. This list will make it easier for you to sort through this vast system of free charging programs and may even affect your final purchase of the car.


Audi is a German brand that has been able to gain world fame quite early on in its forays into the automobile industry. They have always been known for their innovation and technological advancements, making them one of the biggest brands in the segment. If you have planned to buy or have bought an Audi e-tron GT, then you are in luck as this car is said to have a massive amount of free charging.


Any and all owners of this car can enjoy up to 3 years of free charging at Electrify America charging stations. However, the said news is that this offer is not applicable for buyers of e-tron Sportback and standard e-tron. While they have made similar promises with their newly launched Q4 E-Tron, it is applicable only for the first two years of buying the car.


Anyone who is a car enthusiast has dreamed of driving a BMW at least once. However, with their newly developed involvement in the electric vehicle industry, they have not been able to live up to the expectations of the consumers. People often expect the company to perform with the extra care of the customer, but the brand has failed to do so this time.


Unlike the 3 years of free charging that Audi offers, BMW only gives you a $100 credit for the EVGO charging stations. Also, it is applicable only for new buyers of cars. The eligible models for this are the i3, iX and i4. While some might argue that ‘nothing is better than nothing’, the loyal customers of this brand were expecting a lot from them.


Another brand that is synonymous with making user-friendly, comfort based cars; Chevrolet’s entry into the EV market was rather surprising. Even though they did not make any promises to their customers, they have definitely exceeded their expectations. If you have a Bolt EV or Bolt EUV model, you’ll be eligible for a free $500 recharge for charging at EVGo stations.


In addition, GM is subsidizing the cost of installing Level 2 chargers in owners’ homes. This is a good initiative from the brand as more people will be able to afford and install a Level 2 charger at their home and will not have to run to the EVGO gas station every time.


If you have always been a fan of Mustangs, then Ford must be one of your favorite brands of all time. With some iconic models from the brand like the F-150 truck, Ford has been able to make a mark in the automobile industry as one of the better American manufacturers. As far as the EV industry is concerned, Ford recently came out with two models of its iconic models.

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While the F-150 EV may look good and have tons of features, you only get free charging with the Mustang Mach. This deal is also not very profitable as you only get 250 kWh of free charging on the Electrify America charging network. For MachE, this equates to around 35 total recharges. If you delay the delivery of the MachE, you will get another additional 250kWh, which means you will get a total of 500kWh.

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These are some of the most popular free charging offers that you can find in the industry at the moment. While these offers are ultimately considered better, the EV market is still evolving and picking one of the above offers is the best you can do.

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