‘Freedom of religion a human right’: US strongly condemns attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh

Image Source: PTI (FILE)

Bajrang Dal members protest against the recent killings of Hindus and vandalism of a Durga idol by miscreants in Bangladesh at Krishnanagar in Nadia on Monday.

The United States has condemned the recent reports of attacks on the minority Hindu community in Bangladesh. A State Department spokesman said, “Freedom of religion or belief is a human right. Every person around the world, regardless of their religious affiliation or belief, should feel safe and supported to celebrate important holidays.”

“The State Department condemns the recent reports of attacks on the Hindu community in Bangladesh,” the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Pranesh Halder, a member of the Bangladeshi Hindu community, in a statement urged the department to ensure that no further harm is caused to the distressed Hindus of Bangladesh. He urged US-based watchdog groups and media houses to highlight the seriousness of the violence in Bangladesh.

On Sunday, Bangladeshi Hindu diaspora organized a protest in front of that country’s embassy here to protest the massive violence caused by destruction of Hindu homes and temples during Durga Puja festival in Bangladesh.

Utsav Chakraborty, executive director of Utsav Chakraborty, said, “It is particularly appalling that the last remaining Hindus in Noakhali are being attacked in this manner, 75 years after Islamists demanded the creation of Pakistan, killing 12,000 Hindus and killing 50,000 forcibly converted to Islam,” Utsav Chakraborty said. Hindupact, a US-based Hindu advocacy group. The Hindupact said indigenous Hindus continue to be the target of organized hatred and discrimination in Bangladesh, a country where the minority population has declined from 28 percent in the 1940s to nine percent now.

“This recent wave of violence confirms the threat that indigenous Hindus continue to face. Fifty years later, around 2.8 million of them were killed and another 10 million of them rendered destitute and the freedom struggle by the Pakistan Army in 1971. Became refugees during Bangladesh, Hindus are being targeted for their faith.”

Read more: Bangladesh reported 3,721 attacks on minorities in the past 9 years; 2021 deadliest year ever: Report

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