French delegation on a five-day visit to explore areas of cooperation

A French delegation from Region Center-Val de Loire (France) is in the city for a five-day visit to interact with representatives of different regions to explore areas of cooperation.

According to a press note from the French Consulate, the 17-member team, headed by Delphine Benassi, Vice-President for Culture and International Cooperation, will hold discussions with representatives from various sectors, especially education, research, agriculture, tourism, culture and trade. Region Centre-Val de Loire and film industry and gastronomy to identify potential areas of collaboration between Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

Consul General of France for Puducherry and Chennai, Lise Talbot Barre welcomed the delegation.

According to the consulate, the visit (27 February to 3 March) reflected France’s interest in deepening Franco-Indian decentralized cooperation and contributing to the bonds of friendship between France and India. It also demonstrates the importance of cooperation for development and the region and the willingness of the State of Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of Puducherry to work jointly to facilitate exchanges in these areas.

The region envisages a joint collaboration between the governments of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, especially in the fields of tourism and culture. The purpose of the visit is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices in relation to public policies in specific areas of tourism, conservation and development of cultural, historical and natural heritage, training of tourism professionals and mobility of artists from both regions.

The press note added that the delegation also plans to visit educational institutions and organizations in various fields.