French Naval Group, IIT Goa Extends R&D Deal for Underwater Surveillance, Submarine Imaging

New Delhi: Paris-based defense firm Naval Group and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Goa have extended their existing partnership with the aim of research on underwater signal resolution improvement, a press statement by the French company said.

agreement was reached between the two Put signature on On 28 September as part of c tech week in Brest, France. India was a featured country in the week-long event, which focuses on marine technology and science. attract to Researchers, scholars and businesses from around the world.

The expansion will now pave the way for Indian researchers to collaborate with French technical experts and conduct research and development on technology related to underwater surveillance, submarine imaging and drones, the statement said.

The agreement came under the purview of GOAT (Goa Atlantic Cooperation in Marine Science and Engineering Programme) – a program launched during the India-French Knowledge Summit in 2019 to enhance ties between the two countries in the fields of education, research and was. Innovations in Marine Science and Technology.

French Defense Chief The Naval Group will work with IIT Goa to improve the analysis of data collected by underwater sensors using neural systems and artificial intelligence. In addition, the use of the nervous system and AI”Enhance the resolution of underwater imagery for the needs of offshore applications or for the installation, maintenance, detection of any submerged structure among others,” the statement added.

The partnership signifies the growing naval cooperation between India and France which was showcased during the 20th edition of the annual Indo-French bilateral naval exercise in March this year. Varun 2022, Hailed as a mega naval battle in the Arabian Sea, the exercise saw the participation of ships, patrol aircraft, submarines, fighter jets and helicopters.

according to a report good By business standardNaval Group, in partnership with fellow French defense firm Thales, is in the race to sell India’s maritime and underwater technology such as sonar and F-21 torpedoes.

(Edited by Amritansh Arora)

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