From Wabi-Sabi to Kintsugi: Japanese Thoughts That Will Change Your View of Life

Shikita ga nai means “accept and let go”. (Representative)

New Delhi:

Japanese culture has a reputation for being the perfect mix of tradition and modernity. A Twitter user has shared some provocative Japanese concepts which, according to him, can help improve a person’s life.

The user tweeted, “10 must-know Japanese concepts that will improve your life.”

Obatori is the first of 10 concepts in the Twitter thread. According to the user, it insists on never comparing yourself, and “everyone blossoms in their own time in different ways”. In addition, it also teaches that “don’t judge yourself by someone else’s way.”

The second concept called kaizen preaches to continually improve and strive to “improve all areas of your life”. The concept further teaches that “small changes accumulate and make all the difference”.

Wabi-sabi emphasizes embracing imperfection. It also includes beliefs such as “nothing lasts, nothing is complete,” accept your own and others’ flaws, “and “find beauty in imperfection.”

This concept called Mottainai teaches that one should not spend extravagantly and that everything deserves respect and gratitude. According to it, one should “recognize the value of the things around him and not waste it”.

The Gaman concept emphasizes the pressure of dignity and offers advice on dealing with difficult times with emotional maturity and self-control. “We need patience, perseverance, + tolerance,” the tweet reads.

The Eugen concept teaches about appreciating mystical beauty as something that can both seem beautiful and be astonishing to look at. “Some words can’t describe the experience,” reads the tweet.

The second concept, known as ikigai, recommends defining a reason for living and adhering to something that is a good or something that the world needs.

Shikita ga nai means “accept and let go”. It teaches that some things are not always under our control and that we must accept what we cannot change and move on.

The translation of the Kintsugi concept is “healing cracks with gold”. It means that flaws should be embraced and our flaws make us more beautiful.

The last concept of the name Omoyari means to be considerate of others because life becomes better when we care for others. “Be thoughtful. Build compassion.”

So, what do you think about the concepts?

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