from waste to creativity

The ASSOCHAM GeM Karnataka chapter highlights an emerging approach to design and manufacturing. by Ranjani Govind

wooWith construction waste greeted the hen, the first reaction is to have it removed and transferred to the dump yard. A commonly observed attitude is that waste cannot be reused, cannot be reused and only needs to be taken out of site. However, when there is a lack of funds, the same waste will be viewed differently: the pieces are picked up, screened, searched to see some sort of use, application, where it can be found. Not discarded directly but saved for later.

When the pandemic came, with it all activities were shut down, giving the situation time to pause, think and reevaluate. It also created paucity of funds which led to many creative ideas. This view pervaded all sections of the society, in functionalities. Architecture was not far behind either. The architects responded through adaptive reuse and caretaking structures wherever needed.

With this emerging approach to design and construction, ASSOCHAM GEM Karnataka Chapter came up with an installation made out of waste at the recently concluded design festival, Designuru 3.0, hosted by Institute of Indian Interior Designers, Bengaluru Regional Chapter Gone.

The idea behind the installation was to celebrate the design, as well as examine the temporary nature of the structure and the waste that went into erecting it, and the role it plays in the public space where it is erected.

The temporary structure was aptly called the ‘Stop’, which served as an informal enclosed public space for community interaction. The structure, created using waste plywood picked up from a carpenter’s yard, came with interactive spaces and performance areas, which again hosted creativity, celebrating the design.

specific place

Thus, the structure had specific spaces that were earmarked for architect students to spread their brushes and paints to come up with their own artworks.

Spaces were created to weave lines of creativity using discarded plastic threads, while another section contained a demarcated area for stacking plastic water bottles filled with colored liquids and plants.

Yet another section artfully pasted CDs to create a collage that caught the light of the night to reflect on the audience, acting as a magical composition of lighting.

No installation is complete without a designated space for comments. ‘Pause’ certainly knew about it, with a separate section to allow for a large pin-up board as well as a writing board for the visitor to write down their thoughts.

Architect Leena Kumar, Chairperson, ASSOCHAM GEM Karnataka Chapter, says, “The responses received helped us understand how the public reacts to such temporary installations, how waste can be used effectively in a public space. ”
