Future at stake, say protesting students, monks – Times of India

Colombo: Students battling Sri Lanka’s unprecedented political and economic crisis took to the streets here on Wednesday to vent their anger. Students, some of them dressed in saffron robes, hit first Dean Road,
Upon arrival at the Ministry of Health, they removed a portion of a gate from its hinges and found the police who were watching. The future of the country is at stake. They are handing out degrees of allied health services like items in shops,” a student told TOI. Among the protesters were monks enrolled in the Allied Health Sciences Program. “We are protesting the lack of opportunities in government jobs,” said student Kanishk Husral. Ministry staff were videographing the protesters behind closed doors.
a few hundred meters away, sepecto The fuel station was a picture of growing discontent. Ranjan Gurusinghe, a cameraman, was among those waiting for fuel for more than 36 hours. Their Toyota Nova took his place in the queue. “After waiting for hours, I go home to get food and come back here,” he said. Vikramasama SenaA driver has been standing in a queue since 5 am. He left four 100 liter cans in the queue to mark his place. His face lit up when he saw the red colored tanker. “Finally, the Super Diesel Tanker. It costs more, but I have no choice. ,